Immune Boosters, Essential Oils and More: December Highlighted Products

There are many demands put on your immune system and your body this time of year. Between cold and flu season, COVID-19, cold weather, holiday travel and stress from the holidays, it’s no wonder our immune systems may not be working as well as they should!

Despite the troubles that can affect us this time of year, there’s no reason to give up hope or not stay on top of your health, and that’s where we step in with some product ideas that can help you navigate these chilly days and combat those pesky viruses, bacteria and stress!

Keep reading on for New Sun’s recommendations of the season!

Read more Immune Boosters, Essential Oils and More: December Highlighted Products

Holiday Stress and What to Do About It

Let’s talk about stress. The holidays are prime time for stress between holiday shopping, holiday parties and events, traveling and more! Research indicates that more than 38% of people notice increased stress during this time of year, and as many as 53% of people experience feelings of financial stress during the holidays as well, regardless of creating spending budgets or scaling back on gift giving efforts.


An additional reason that stress is so high during the holidays is the unrealistic expectation and pressure of being “jolly” or “happy” during this time of year, stemming from the pressures of traveling, taking time off work, over-commercialization, the feeling of a lack of time, creating the perfect meal or holiday display and financial constraints. Another term for what was described, is called “the happiness trap.” When we set such high expectations for ourselves, we’re setting ourselves up to fail, and that stress multiplies.


If you feel as though you’re struggling with stress this holiday season, you are not alone!


New Sun offers some fantastic stress-relieving products that you may find will help you handle this time of year with ease and grace! All of our products are all-natural and safe to use whether they are supplements, essential oils or tinctures and can help to chase away the holiday blues!


Keep reading below to see our recommendations!

Read more Holiday Stress and What to Do About It

Holiday Digestive Issues and Solutions

The holidays are prime time for overindulging in foods that could upset your digestive system. Between the first treat loaded holiday of the season, Halloween, thru the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, we put our digestive systems through a lot this time of year. Other seasonal stress can wreak havoc on your system as well, between holiday shopping, event planning, and more.

As with most things, prevention is key, but when you simply can’t resist those baked goods that your co-worker brought in, or your grandmother’s famous pound cake recipe, we have an array of products that can be helpful in supporting your digestive system this holiday season, getting you back on track!

If stress is what has you bothered, we’ve got some products for that too.

Read more Holiday Digestive Issues and Solutions

Seasonal Immune Support: Our Recommendations

Fall and winter is a time where the immune system may need a little help getting through the cold weather. Cold and flu season runs rampant during this time of year, and the lack of sunshine can be detrimental to our health as well. Stress can also affect us this time of year due to holiday planning, and travel related stress.

We’ve got some great products to show you so that you can be in control of your health and wellness this season and keep your immune system on track!

Read more Seasonal Immune Support: Our Recommendations

Cold and Flu Season Preparedness

So, you may be tired of hearing about cold and flu preparation, as we’ve been in cold/flu season close to two years now due to the pandemic. However, it’s still important to talk about the basics so that you can ensure you are prepared with some great natural products to help you get through this time. To protect yourself this season, we have some great products to share with you to help prevent and alleviate cold and flu symptoms.

Not only do we have some great products, but here are a few tips to protect yourself too!

· Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds at a time using antibacterial soap to ensure germs aren’t left behind that can make you sick.

· Avoid touching your face unless you’ve washed your hands well so you don’t get sick.

· Wear your mask properly and often to prevent airborne droplets from infecting you. This includes those who are fully vaccinated.

· Stay home from work or school if you aren’t feeling well or have a cough, fever, headache, body aches, chills or lethargy.

· Use hand sanitizer when you aren’t able to wash your hands with soap and water.

Now onto our products!

Read more Cold and Flu Season Preparedness

Three Ways to Kiss Your Winter Blues Goodbye (Plus, a Special Section Just for Kids!)

There’s no doubt that this winter has been harder than usual for most of us. We all tend to stay indoors and out of the sun in colder months, which can result in a lack of Vitamin D and cause Seasonal Affective Disorder. This year, we’re also dealing with a global pandemic, making it even more difficult to get out, and keeping us physically distanced from family and friends. If you’re experiencing the winter blues, you’re certainly not alone!

couple outside drinking coffeeBut take heart. Spring and warmer weather are just around the corner. In the meantime, we’ve got three great tips to help you kiss those winter blues goodbye and gain a cheerier outlook! Read more Three Ways to Kiss Your Winter Blues Goodbye (Plus, a Special Section Just for Kids!)

Fight Fall Allergies the Natural Way

woman with allergies blowing noseAhhh-choo! Think allergy season was over when spring ended? Think again! Many of us suffer from allergies in the fall, particularly from ragweed pollen, which is one of the most common weed allergies. If you’re already starting to cough, sneeze, and get itchy, watery eyes, it’s time to take action. Fortunately, there are many healthy, natural ways to combat allergies without ingesting the chemicals and preservatives often found in many OTC medications. Read more Fight Fall Allergies the Natural Way

Fighting Holiday Depression with Essential Oils

Joy Essential OilThe holiday blues are real, and could be caused by several factors, including stress from all kinds of sources, family, social obligations and even changes in the seasons, to name a few. When we should be enjoying holiday parties and gatherings with friends and family, we might find ourselves lonely or filled with anxiety. Such a pity! Instead of responding to holiday depression with unhealthy things like binge eating, excessive drinking, or insomnia, try fighting the blues naturally. We’ve come up with a few ideas to help you kick depression to the curb.

There are many ways you can help fight holiday depression that don’t cost a dime. For example, prioritize your time, energy and money so that the holidays can be more manageable on several levels and you can enjoy the present moment. Reach out to long-lost friends. Help others by volunteering at a soup kitchen or offer to help you neighbor with something. If you don’t know your neighbor, bake some cookies and go introduce yourself. You might brighten their day beyond measure. Take a walk in the woods to stretch your legs, which is probably mankind’s original way to fight stress.

Something you can do in your home or office is to use an atomized diffuser, which are similar to humidifiers, but specialized because they get essential oils into the air. Essential oils are a simple concept – using the sense of smell to help boost mood. To demonstrate the power of the sense of smell, pretend you are back in grammar school. Close your eyes and imagine you just got a new box of crayons. Open it in your mind, and lift the box to your nose. Can you smell the crayons? I bet you can. That’s because the sense of smell is very important to us. Memories are attached to fragrances, especially with women.

Fast forward to how you’re feeling this holiday season. You have the power of essential oils to help combat the blues. We’ve all heard of the calming effect of lavender on children, right? It’s the same principle, but all grown up. We’ve found that a combination of ylang ylang, sweet orange, clary sage, patchouli and geranium help fight depression, jealousy, anger and low self-esteem.

These are all simple remedies meant to help give you an emotional edge when it comes to fighting the holiday blues. Only you know how you are truly feeling inside. If you are at risk for harming yourself or others, you should contact your doctor, call 911, a mental health hotline, or go to the emergency room. Aromatherapy with Joy essential oil is a wonderful thing, but it’s only meant to help, not cure severe depression. If you have any questions concerning our line of essential oils, please give us a call or visit our web store. Here’s to Joy this Holiday Season!

Combatting Winter Sleep Issues Naturally

Combatting Winter Sleep Issues NaturallyWith the colder air of winter comes less sunlight and holiday eating, which have a negative impact on sleep. But there’s more to the story than that. Americans used to sleep much more a century ago than we do now. We’re a nation that is sleep deprived. Our bodies have less time for repair, which account for daytime sleepiness, dependency on caffeine, weight gain, increases in diabetes, weakened immunity, hypertension and even shorter lifespans. Although there are certainly plenty of prescriptions on the market that will produce a full 8-10 hours sleep a night, there are alternatives to chemicals. Below are three insightful tidbits to help you naturally combat not getting enough sleep.

Melatonin. Melatonin is a chemical our bodies make which regulates the natural wake-sleep cycle. Light directly affects production of melatonin, so this explains why in the winter we often feel sluggish and tired, and even get Seasonal Affective Disorder, a kind of depression. One way to help combat this is to get outside every single day. Even when it’s overcast, your body will respond to being exposed to sunlight. It’s not hard to incorporate a little extra outdoor time into your schedule. Take a walk for half your lunch break. Park at the end of the parking lot. Take the dog for a longer walk. Mild exercise outdoor will help your body naturally adjust its melatonin production. Just be sure to dress for the colder temperatures.

Air temperature matters. When air is too cold, it can negatively affect melatonin production. When it’s too warm, it can dry out your mucus membranes, which can set you up for head colds. There’s nothing you can do about the temperature outside, but inside you can regulate it so, like Goldilocks, everything will be “just right.” Keep the thermostat a little cooler at bedtime, and use a humidifier to put moisture back in the air.

Be careful what you eat. We tend to eat more fresh fruit and grilled food in the summer, and heavier “comfort foods” in winter. The sugar alone that we indulge in during the holidays is astounding. A chocolate cookie here, a mug of cocoa there, and pretty soon we’re all looking like Santa’s belly. Even worse, these high-carbohydrate foods end up negatively affecting our sleep. Try to bypass the cookie plate, and have fresh fruits and vegetables whenever possible. Drink more water. Also, try not to eat a few hours before bedtime. Your body will thank you.

Sometimes these homeopathic approaches to help getting enough sleep aren’t quite enough. Tranquility sleep capsules are a gentle, but effective way to help combat sleep deprivation naturally. If you would like more information, please give us a call. We’d be happy to help you!

October Is National Bone and Joint Health Month

Bone and Joint HealthNational Action Week for the Bone and Joint Health, a global, multidisciplinary initiative promoting the care of persons with bone and joint disorders, will be observed October 12–20. This initiative focuses on improving quality of life and advancing the understanding and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions through research, prevention, and education. CDC, the National Institutes of Health, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations are among the governmental and nongovernmental organizations supporting this initiative. In 2002, the United States officially proclaimed the years 2002–2011 as the National Bone and Joint Decade. This has continued as an annual event due to the vast number of people who suffer with bone and joint issues.

Bone and joint disorders are the leading causes of disability in the United States (1) and impose substantial burdens on the health-care system and society (2). The United States Bone and Joint Decade organization is committed to raising awareness of the growing burden of musculoskeletal conditions and promoting their prevention, advancing research, and improving diagnosis and treatment.

In the integrative health field, we recognize the importance of prevention as well as assistance through natural means. We also recognize the different reasons why a person may suffer with bone and joint disorders. It may be due to an injury, poor nutrition, or an inherited condition. Whatever the case, there are ways to deal with any of the above.

The first place to begin is with nutrition. That sounds simple but in many cases it is a major life style change. Knowing that an acidic pH balance within the body creates more inflammation should make a diet change simple. Eating 80% alkaline and 20% should bring the pH into a 6.5 or above (alkaline) range. The acid/alkaline diet chart can be found on our website under the heading: Education. Feel free to print it off, meal plan with a goal of eating 80/20% and begin to alkalize. Supplements that will aid in lowering pH in the body are Life Source, Apple Cider Vinegar, Acid Neutralizer and Spirulina. The ACID/ALKALINE DIET is one that all people should follow to obtain optimal health and well-being. All disease thrives in an acid environment.

This BLOG site has several articles regarding arthritis: proper diet, exercise, and supplements backed up by recognized research that will make a big difference when dealing with the different types of arthritis. Several quality natural products that New Sun has to offer for those suffering with the different types of arthritis can be found in the previous BLOGS.

What are some things that can help when an injury is involved? Again, change your eating habits to the 80/20% plan. There are a number of essential oils that will help with the pain and inflammation as well as aid with the emotional stress related to an injury. Essential oils have been used for thousands of year and their application is very basic. Using it neat (massaging it into the skin of the affected area), inhalation (a few drops in the palm of the hands, rub together and then cup over the nose and inhale), diffusing, or in a bath. New Sun essential oils are 100% pure as found in nature. A few oils that have anti-inflammatory properties that may help with pain and stiffness are:
Essential Oils

Cedarwood Chamomile Cinnamon Frankincense Pain Blend Sweet Orange Spearmint Tea Tree

Herbal products and supplements that one may want to consider are:
Herbal products and supplements

Advanced Turmeric/Bromelain Complex
Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM Complex
MSM in capsules or lotion for topical use.
Ultra R

If bone and joint issues “run in the family”, you will want to take preventative measures. Many times due to a lack of enzymes, a person cannot breakdown calcium properly. Enzyme deficiency is not uncommon and can lead to a number of health issues, in addition to problems with the bones, joint and cartilage. Enzymes are not produced in the body, rather we obtain them from the foods we eat. In the average American diet, most foods are over cooked, destroying their enzymes. A general lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet lessens enzymes thus creating poor digestion and assimilation of our foods.

New Sun enzymes, as with all of our products, are made from the highest quality ingredients… no fillers or binders, artificial ingredients or colors. Enzymes to consider in helping with proper assimilation are:

Ultra Enzymes

As with all issues that affect our health, we need to remember in integrative health, it is the whole approach, body, mind, and spirit that work together toward optimal health. Take time each day to feed and nurture all three.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.