Cold and Flu Season Preparedness

So, you may be tired of hearing about cold and flu preparation, as we’ve been in cold/flu season close to two years now due to the pandemic. However, it’s still important to talk about the basics so that you can ensure you are prepared with some great natural products to help you get through this time. To protect yourself this season, we have some great products to share with you to help prevent and alleviate cold and flu symptoms.

Not only do we have some great products, but here are a few tips to protect yourself too!

· Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds at a time using antibacterial soap to ensure germs aren’t left behind that can make you sick.

· Avoid touching your face unless you’ve washed your hands well so you don’t get sick.

· Wear your mask properly and often to prevent airborne droplets from infecting you. This includes those who are fully vaccinated.

· Stay home from work or school if you aren’t feeling well or have a cough, fever, headache, body aches, chills or lethargy.

· Use hand sanitizer when you aren’t able to wash your hands with soap and water.

Now onto our products!

1. Frankincense Essential Oil. An ancient oil that has been used for centuries, Frankincense is a popular oil that can help boost your immune system, your mood and may be effective for stress relief. Frankincense essential oil has many therapeutic benefits. It is an expectorant, antiseptic and astringent. Frankincense is also very effective with coughs, colds and laryngitis. It promotes digestive health and may act as a diuretic and uterine tonic. It can also be used to relax and calm anxiety. When used during meditation, it promotes deep breathing and cultivates inner peace. To shop our Frankincense EO click here.

2. Immune 101. Between the cold weather and dark mornings, you may find yourself becoming more run down than usual in the fall and winter. Whether you’re feeling a bit stressed or simply “under the weather,” our Immune 101 capsules can help put you back on your feet. Formulated with herbs known to boost and strengthen the immune system, this product is a must today when our immune system is compromised. When our immune system is not as strong as it should be, we may experience fatigue and be more prone to colds, flu and viruses. Taking Immune 101 is your first line of defense during cold and flu season. This formula is packed with powerful herbs that have been used historically to aid with building the immune system. To shop our Immune 101 supplement, available in two sizes, click here.

3. Yew/Olive Capsules. A powerful combination of immune boosting, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial ingredients, our Yew/Olive capsules are a fantastic option when dealing with all that is around this season. Some of the benefits of this product are aiding in increasing energy levels and warding off fatigue, as well as

antimicrobial properties that can work against viruses, bacteria and fungal infections. Both Yew and Olive Leaf work well together to give you the powerful benefits of natural healing and protect you this cold and flu season. To shop our Yew/Olive Capsule supplements, click here.

4. Zinc Tablets. Zinc is a well-known mineral that provides wonderous health benefits and works to keep your immune system strong. Zinc gluconate is zinc salt derived from the mineral gluconic acid. It is an important trace element and only small amounts are needed to reap the benefits of it. A lack of zinc can cause symptoms such as poor growth in children and delayed wound healing. It is an antioxidant that can help protect you from free radicals that can cause damage to the body cells. Shop our zinc tablets by clicking here.

5. Silver 400. Silver 400 is helpful for alleviating pain, boosting your immune system and helping with stress relief. It has been thoroughly researched over the past 100 years to ensure its safety and efficacy for use. To learn more and purchase a bottle, click here.

Here’s to a happy, healthy cold and flu season!