How to Keep Your Digestive System Healthy

How to Keep Your Digestive System Healthy



Your Digestive System


Digestion is the method through which our body processes and pulls nutrients from the foods we eat, which provides us with energy.


Your digestive system is made up of your gastrointestinal (GI) tract and your liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Your GI tract is your mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum, and anus; these are all the hollow organs of your GI system. The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are the hard organs of your GI system. Your liver processes the toxins out of your body. Your gallbladder helps to break down fats in your body, and your pancreas is responsible for regulating blood sugar and energy.


All of the different parts of the digestive system must work together correctly; if just one component is “off,” you could experience gastrointestinal issues.


The Functions of the Digestive System


Your digestive system has four primary functions: motility, secretion, digestion, and absorption.


  • Motility is how food moves through the digestive system. In a process known as peristalsis, the muscles of your system expand and contract, breaking down and combining ingested food and eliminating undigested waste.
  • Secretion is the release of enzymes, hormones, and other biological components that help the body digest what is eaten. Hormones are responsible for telling the body when to produce digestive juices and inform the brain when you’re hungry or not hungry.
  • Digestion occurs when your body breaks down what you eat into smaller molecules and processes the food you eat, ultimately aiding the absorption of nutrients. In order for digestion to take place, particles must be small enough to pass through the lining of your gut and enter your bloodstream, where they can be further broken down so your body can gain energy, grow, and repair cells, all of which keep you healthy!
  • Absorption happens after the nutrients in your body are digested and pass from your gut to your circulatory and lymph systems. The lymph system absorbs fatty acids and vitamins, and the blood carries simple sugars, amino acids, glycerol, and some vitamins and salts to the liver. Once in the liver, nutrients are stored, processed and delivered to where they are needed.


 When Your Digestive System Needs Help


Sometimes your digestive system may not work properly. Viruses, bacteria, or even stress can affect your GI system in unsavory ways and manifest as heartburn, nausea, vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea. Here are some GI dysfunctions and what you can do to alleviate them in a healthy way.


  1. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). GERD is a common GI system issue. Acid reflux begins with feeling a burning pain in the middle of your chest and often happens after meals or at night. Most people have experienced heartburn at some point in their lives and in many cases, taking an over-the-counter antacid can control symptoms so they aren’t as uncomfortable. Occasional heartburn is usually not a cause for concern, but people with GERD have a chronic digestive disease.


If you find you are getting heartburn regularly — twice a week or more — you may need to head to the doctor to be checked for GERD. GERD affects roughly 20 percent of Americans, and symptoms can include nausea, pain in your chest or upper part of your abdomen, trouble with swallowing or breathing, or even bad breath and tooth erosion.


If you suffer from GERD or heartburn, stay away from alcohol and caffeine. Try to avoid stress through self-care practices such as connecting with friends, meditation, taking breaks when needed, or therapy. If you smoke, quit!


You can also help alleviate symptoms by elevating the head of your bed when you sleep, and not lying down immediately after a meal.


Aloe Vera Concentrated Softgels may also help keep your GERD or acid reflux symptoms under control and have the added benefit of being good for your skin, too! Aloe Vera contains enzymes that help break down sugars and fats in your food, which helps with digestion. One capsule of our Aloe Vera Concentrated Softgels is equal to two full ounces of pure Aloe Vera and is made from only the juice of the Aloe Vera leaf. The leaf is processed so that 100% of the juice is able to be used, and is not heat pasteurized, which could destroy the essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes.



  1. Constipation or Diarrhea. Either of these disorders can be caused by stress or improper nutrition. They could also be an underlying symptom of another condition or a side effect from a medication, but both are common issues that affect many people on a regular basis.


You could experience bloating, stomach cramps, and painful elimination from either constipation or diarrhea. Staying hydrated and eating healthy, whole foods can help to ease these conditions. You can also try Colon Nutrients. This supplement includes ingredients known to help support the colon, as well as natural sources of fiber such as psyllium seeds and husks, aloe vera, and parsley, all of which act as natural, gentle digestive aids.



  1. Enzyme Deficiencies. Enzymes are the workhorses of digestion. They are required for the proper function of many of the body’s processes. Children are especially at risk for enzymatic issues, because most “kid” foods are very processed and can lack a lot of important nutrients.


Enzymes in whole foods are often destroyed when pasteurized or canned, or when subjected to high levels of heat during the cooking process. To replace some of those enzymes, we recommend our Kid-Zymes supplement. This berry-flavored chewable is great for both children and adults who have a hard time swallowing pills.



  1. General Illness and Stress. Many GI conditions can be caused by stress or other illnesses such as cold, flus, or viruses. Everyone reacts to stress or illness differently, but treating the stress itself can help with calming its symptoms.


When you’re experiencing stress, try diffusing some of our Basil Essential Oil. It not only helps relieve stress, but has positive effects on digestion, appetite, and aiding mental fatigue.



If a virus or a cold or flu is the contributing cause of a GI flare up, we recommend trying Echinacea and Goldenseal Root. Both echinacea and goldenseal root have been used for hundreds of years for immune and illness support. (Remember to use this supplement at the onset of symptoms of illness or infection. It is not meant to be used as part of your regular daily regimen, but instead to be used to support your body when it needs it most.)


Keeping your body’s digestive system running smoothly will help keep your body healthy and keep you feeling your best! To learn more about healthy support for your digestive system, and which digestive supplement might be best for you, give us a call! We’re always ready to help you stay healthy using all-natural supplements and products.