Enzymes: Your Body’s Essential Workers

blackberriesEnzymes are nature’s workers. They are biochemical substances that can be found in cells, and they help regulate and govern the behavior and function of all living matter. Enzymes make things work, or work faster, by speeding up chemical reactions — sometimes, millions of times faster. Fruit ripening, seeds sprouting, and trees growing are all examples of enzyme activity. Without enzymes, life would be impossible!

Enzymes are produced naturally in the body. While many hundreds of enzymes have been isolated, it has been estimated that there may be anywhere from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions of different enzymes in us, all working hard.

Enzymes do everything from help with respiration to food digestion to muscle function and more. They essentially play the part of the day-to-day operations of the human body.

Enzymes: What Do They Do?

There’s almost no system in our bodies that enzymes don’t play a role in. They help build bones, repair tissue, eliminate carbon dioxide from our lungs, and help our metabolism function correctly.

DNA strandThe three main places enzymes work are within our digestive system, in DNA replication, and in our liver:

Enzymes give us energy. Within our digestive systems, enzymes help break down large molecules into smaller molecules like glucose. Our bodies then use these molecules as fuel.

Enzymes gets rid of toxins. The enzymes in our liver break down the harmful toxins that can enter our bodies through pollution, medication, or even personal products like toothpaste or shampoo.

Enzymes replicate our DNA. Every cell in your body contains DNA, and each time a cell divides, the DNA must be copied. Enzymes help the process along by uncoiling the DNA and copying the information. DNA replication is essential for assisting with the growth and repair of damaged tissues.

The Amazing Abilities of Enzymes

Here are just some of the functions enzymes perform in our bodies that keep us at optimum health:

Enzymes can help rid our bodies of extra scar tissue. When we experience issues that result in the development of scar tissues (called fibrosis), enzymes come to the rescue. Enzymes eat away at the excess scar tissue, helping our bodies repair themselves. Enzymes can help reduce endometriosis (scarring of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or the tissue lining the pelvis) and uterine fibroids (scarring of the uterus). Enzymes can assist in the reduction of pulmonary fibrosis (scarring of the lungs), which is a result of environmental pollutants, medications, or lung disease. Healthy kidney function can also be restored by enzymes if someone is suffering from kidney fibrosis, which is scarring of the kidneys due to chronic infection or disease.

Enzymes help protect us from blood clots. If blood clots move through our blood stream, they can become stuck in our veins or arteries, causing a heart attack or a stroke. Our circulation is improved when enzymes eat up the excess fibrin that causes our blood to thicken and form blood clots.

Enzymes help strengthen our immune systems. Systemic enzymes can separate viruses, fungi, and parasites that get into our circulatory systems. Enzymes help fight viruses through policing foreign proteins and will eat those proteins that help viruses bond to cells. If our immune system isn’t functioning properly, we are prone to infection. Our bodies can also develop auto immune disorders like Type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or systemic lupus from a weakened immune system.

Enzymes and Their Working Environment

While enzymes are hard workers, they are finicky about the environment they work in. Most function at their best at around the “average” 98.6 F body temperature. If your body temperature is too low, enzymes will work more slowly. If it’s too high, enzymes will stop functioning.

Enzymes also prefer to work within a certain pH range. This means that your body should have a healthy acidic/alkaline balance. (For more information on what to eat to keep pH levels balanced in your body, visit our website, where you can download a free Acid/Alkaline chart to help you make informed food choices.) The specific balance an enzyme performs best in depends upon where they are working in the body. If your body is too acidic or alkaline, the enzyme will change shape and become denatured, meaning that it is dissolved. When enzymes become denatured, they dissolve and cannot function.

Age, stress, or chronic illness can also contribute to the depletion of enzymes.

How to Keep Enzymes Happy

Your body naturally produces enzymes, and you can also get them in fruits and vegetables. Healthy eating is particularly crucial to support the enzymes in your body. If you eat a plant-based diet, don’t consume a lot of food cooked at high temperatures, and are healthy, you should have all the enzymes you need.

fruit and vegetable juices

Foods in their natural raw state contain the very enzymes that we need to digest them. A food with primarily protein and fat will contain protease and lipase enzymes. A food that contains carbohydrates will have amylase enzymes. Foods containing a lot of calories contain higher concentrations of food enzymes than a food with lesser calories.

Food enzymes are destroyed in all canned or pasteurized foods as well as in foods cooked, steamed, baked, roasted, broiled, fried, or boiled. The death point of enzymes is the same as that of all living organisms: 120 F – 160 F. Due in part to the lack of digestive enzymes in our foods, may people find they need an enzyme supplement.

If the enzymes in your body are depleted due to age, stress, chronic illness, exposure to toxins and chemicals, foods that are cooked at high temperatures, or any other factor, you should consider taking a supplement for enzyme support.

What Types of Enzyme Supplements Should You Take?

Your need for an enzyme supplement will depend upon the types of issues you are experiencing in your body. As always, we encourage you to talk with your doctor about possible enzyme depletion in your body and supplements to take that help support your health. Your doctor will perform a test to see if your enzyme levels are healthy.

earth zyme capsule bottleEarth Zyme: Support for Your Immune System

Earth Zyme Immune Support is a perfect fit for someone with decreased immune function due to chronic illness or injury. Earth Zyme is a 100% natural systemic enzyme supplement and contains an assortment of special plant enzymes, herbs, trace elements, mineral salts (derived from ancient mineral beds), and rare and unusual land and sea plants. It also provides a generous amount of Lactobacillus Acidophilus, a powerful probiotic used to promote health.

JLB: Support for Colon Health

JLB was formulated following years of research on colon cleansing supplements, many of which
were designed to act primarily as laxatives. JLB combines natural herbs like Cascara Sagrada and Buckthorn, systemic enzymes, and trace minerals to create a supplement blend that offers colon support and protection, as well as colon conditioning to help with occasional constipation.

Master Zyme: Support for Digestion

All foods, as nature produces them, either from the ground, orchard, or field, even food from animal sources, contain naturally associated food enzymes. Foods in their natural raw state contain the very enzymes that we need to digest them. Unfortunately, food enzymes are destroyed in all canned or pasteurized foods as well as in foods cooked, steamed, baked, roasted, broiled, fried, or boiled at temperatures higher than 120-160 F.

Master Zyme provides support to our digestive systems depleted with enzymes and contains natural ingredients like Protease, Acid Stable Protease, Amylase, Lipase, Cellulase, Lactase, Papain (from Papaya) Bromelain (from Pineapple).

Also Try: Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon Essential Oil has been shown to boost immunity, aid digestion, and help relieve stress. Try a few drops in a diffuser in your room or office, add it to your bath, or add it to a carrier oil and apply it to your skin. You can also use it in all-natural home cleaning products for a fresh, lemony scent and better health!

Have more questions about enzyme support? Call us! Our customer care team has years of experience and can answer any questions you have and make knowledgeable recommendations to help you on your journey to a healthier, happier you!