Obesity has become an epidemic, and is connected to cortisol, a hormone your body makes when under high levels of stress. We juggle careers, marital and familial needs alongside financial and social obligations. More often than not, we wish there were more hours in a day to check off the to-do list. These things, although usually positive, can still be sources of stress. Our bodies’ reactions to stress varies, but frequently include anxiety, high blood pressure, comfort food overindulgence, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and even increased head colds. But what can you do about this unintended weight gain? The most obvious answer to fight obesity is to manage stress.
Assess stress sources. Stress causes obesity, so what causes you stress? Having a job plus taking care of the kids and helping with their homework, cooking dinner, running errands, and cleaning house – all by bedtime – adds up to a stressful lifestyle. You may have medical or financial issues, a marriage on the rocks, or be starting or ending careers. You get the picture. Life throws stress at us by the bucketful. Make a list and then see if you can balance your obligations differently. Get help cleaning your house. Eliminate commitments that don’t really affect you or your family directly. Set a budget and then live by it so your finances improve with time. If stress causes obesity, then doing what you can to manage stress will help.
Exercise, sleep and diet. Cortisol, our “fight or flight” hormone, isn’t inherently bad, but high levels of it endured over time are linked to obesity. You can’t stop cortisol production, but you can incorporate a healthier lifestyle that is affordable. Increase exercise. Try yoga. Walk around the block or alongside any of this area’s many lakes and rivers. Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep. If you are sleeping six hours a night, make it seven. Or better yet, eight hours. Changing the diet when under stress is hard, but not impossible. Plan ahead. Take veggie sticks to work instead of chips. Start with a salad at dinner instead of the whole pot of mashed potatoes. (Hey, we aren’t judging! We love comfort food too.)
Natural Alternatives. After embracing the above ideas, you may still be fighting an uphill battle of stress-related obesity. Life is entirely a long run thing; keep trying. In addition to watching diet, sleep and exercise, natural supplements are helpful. Try Vitamin B-complex, which is a natural upper. Essential oils like lavender and STR (a natural sleep aid) are also good for stress management. Remember, if you can reduce stress, you are on your way to reducing obesity.
Recognizing stressors, plus managing diet, exercise and sleep are the first steps to fighting obesity naturally. New Sun is here to help you, but common sense says discuss new health regiments with your doctor before beginning your personal war on obesity.
There are many sources of stress, which can negatively affect our health. It’s not just the negative ones like divorce, job loss or the death of a loved one, but the things that should be positive are stressful too. Marriage, moving to a new home or getting a new job are examples of good things that cause stress. Ordinary daily stresses can cause health issues such as illness, emotional problems and worry. When we ignore stress management, we become at-risk for obesity, heart disease, diabetes, dementia and depression. And that’s just the beginning. Modern medicine is linking practically every major health issue to unmanaged stress. It becomes an obvious conclusion, then, that taking time out of each day for destressing techniques is essential because they have a positive effect on the whole body.
Stress and the Body. Stress can produce heart attacks and strokes. Obesity is linked to stress. Headaches can turn into migraines, depression and anxiety skyrocket, and aging noticeably accelerates with stress. Furthermore, whatever health issue you may have, stress will exacerbate it. Its clear stress must be managed.
De-stressing the Body. You may not be able to control the things that cause stress, but you can change how you handle it. By embracing a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep and exercise, you can counter the stress in your life. Take a walk every day. Join a yoga class. Eat more fresh greens instead of starchy comfort foods. It’s really a lifestyle change.
Mental Health and Stress. There’s a link between stress and Multiple Sclerosis flare ups, dementia and Alzheimer’s progression. Those are physical responses to stress. What’s harder to assess are the emotional responses like depression, anxiety and anger that come with stress.
Self-Soothing the Mind. While taking a walk will help destress the body, it also helps with the mind. Other things that helps clear the mind as a counter to stress are listening to soothing music, meditation and prayer, learning breathing techniques, as well as herbal medications.
Spiritual Stress. It’s not surprising to learn that stress has a negative impact on us spiritually. After all, we are creatures that encompass the mind, body and spirit in one. Stress problems overlap. Feeling down and out is both a mental as well as a spiritual result of stress.
Spiritual Relief. Just as yoga stretches the body and provides meditative exercises that lower mental stress, it also relieves spiritual stress along the way. Soothing music, uplifting reading material, meditation and prayer also yield spiritual help when stressed.
Supplements for Stress. Just as vitamins help balance missing nutrients in diet, there are supplements that help balance how the body handles stress. These include, STR, Tranquility, Calcium, B-Complex, bee pollen and Max Relax.
Stress is usually an environmental factor we cannot control. Not every day can be sunny and 75 degrees, cruising with the sunroof down. We know stress affects nearly every aspect of our health. The whole-body approach to health, which includes physical, mental and spiritual health, is the most common-sense way to combat stress. My New Sun is here to help. Check out our website for more information.
The holiday blues are real, and could be caused by several factors, including stress from all kinds of sources, family, social obligations and even changes in the seasons, to name a few. When we should be enjoying holiday parties and gatherings with friends and family, we might find ourselves lonely or filled with anxiety. Such a pity! Instead of responding to holiday depression with unhealthy things like binge eating, excessive drinking, or insomnia, try fighting the blues naturally. We’ve come up with a few ideas to help you kick depression to the curb.
There are many ways you can help fight holiday depression that don’t cost a dime. For example, prioritize your time, energy and money so that the holidays can be more manageable on several levels and you can enjoy the present moment. Reach out to long-lost friends. Help others by volunteering at a soup kitchen or offer to help you neighbor with something. If you don’t know your neighbor, bake some cookies and go introduce yourself. You might brighten their day beyond measure. Take a walk in the woods to stretch your legs, which is probably mankind’s original way to fight stress.
Something you can do in your home or office is to use an atomized diffuser, which are similar to humidifiers, but specialized because they get essential oils into the air. Essential oils are a simple concept – using the sense of smell to help boost mood. To demonstrate the power of the sense of smell, pretend you are back in grammar school. Close your eyes and imagine you just got a new box of crayons. Open it in your mind, and lift the box to your nose. Can you smell the crayons? I bet you can. That’s because the sense of smell is very important to us. Memories are attached to fragrances, especially with women.
Fast forward to how you’re feeling this holiday season. You have the power of essential oils to help combat the blues. We’ve all heard of the calming effect of lavender on children, right? It’s the same principle, but all grown up. We’ve found that a combination of ylang ylang, sweet orange, clary sage, patchouli and geranium help fight depression, jealousy, anger and low self-esteem.
These are all simple remedies meant to help give you an emotional edge when it comes to fighting the holiday blues. Only you know how you are truly feeling inside. If you are at risk for harming yourself or others, you should contact your doctor, call 911, a mental health hotline, or go to the emergency room. Aromatherapy with Joy essential oil is a wonderful thing, but it’s only meant to help, not cure severe depression. If you have any questions concerning our line of essential oils, please give us a call or visit our web store. Here’s to Joy this Holiday Season!
With the colder air of winter comes less sunlight and holiday eating, which have a negative impact on sleep. But there’s more to the story than that. Americans used to sleep much more a century ago than we do now. We’re a nation that is sleep deprived. Our bodies have less time for repair, which account for daytime sleepiness, dependency on caffeine, weight gain, increases in diabetes, weakened immunity, hypertension and even shorter lifespans. Although there are certainly plenty of prescriptions on the market that will produce a full 8-10 hours sleep a night, there are alternatives to chemicals. Below are three insightful tidbits to help you naturally combat not getting enough sleep.
Melatonin. Melatonin is a chemical our bodies make which regulates the natural wake-sleep cycle. Light directly affects production of melatonin, so this explains why in the winter we often feel sluggish and tired, and even get Seasonal Affective Disorder, a kind of depression. One way to help combat this is to get outside every single day. Even when it’s overcast, your body will respond to being exposed to sunlight. It’s not hard to incorporate a little extra outdoor time into your schedule. Take a walk for half your lunch break. Park at the end of the parking lot. Take the dog for a longer walk. Mild exercise outdoor will help your body naturally adjust its melatonin production. Just be sure to dress for the colder temperatures.
Air temperature matters. When air is too cold, it can negatively affect melatonin production. When it’s too warm, it can dry out your mucus membranes, which can set you up for head colds. There’s nothing you can do about the temperature outside, but inside you can regulate it so, like Goldilocks, everything will be “just right.” Keep the thermostat a little cooler at bedtime, and use a humidifier to put moisture back in the air.
Be careful what you eat. We tend to eat more fresh fruit and grilled food in the summer, and heavier “comfort foods” in winter. The sugar alone that we indulge in during the holidays is astounding. A chocolate cookie here, a mug of cocoa there, and pretty soon we’re all looking like Santa’s belly. Even worse, these high-carbohydrate foods end up negatively affecting our sleep. Try to bypass the cookie plate, and have fresh fruits and vegetables whenever possible. Drink more water. Also, try not to eat a few hours before bedtime. Your body will thank you.
Sometimes these homeopathic approaches to help getting enough sleep aren’t quite enough. Tranquility sleep capsules are a gentle, but effective way to help combat sleep deprivation naturally. If you would like more information, please give us a call. We’d be happy to help you!
National Action Week for the Bone and Joint Health, a global, multidisciplinary initiative promoting the care of persons with bone and joint disorders, will be observed October 12–20. This initiative focuses on improving quality of life and advancing the understanding and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions through research, prevention, and education. CDC, the National Institutes of Health, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations are among the governmental and nongovernmental organizations supporting this initiative. In 2002, the United States officially proclaimed the years 2002–2011 as the National Bone and Joint Decade. This has continued as an annual event due to the vast number of people who suffer with bone and joint issues.
Bone and joint disorders are the leading causes of disability in the United States (1) and impose substantial burdens on the health-care system and society (2). The United States Bone and Joint Decade organization is committed to raising awareness of the growing burden of musculoskeletal conditions and promoting their prevention, advancing research, and improving diagnosis and treatment.
In the integrative health field, we recognize the importance of prevention as well as assistance through natural means. We also recognize the different reasons why a person may suffer with bone and joint disorders. It may be due to an injury, poor nutrition, or an inherited condition. Whatever the case, there are ways to deal with any of the above.
The first place to begin is with nutrition. That sounds simple but in many cases it is a major life style change. Knowing that an acidic pH balance within the body creates more inflammation should make a diet change simple. Eating 80% alkaline and 20% should bring the pH into a 6.5 or above (alkaline) range. The acid/alkaline diet chart can be found on our website under the heading: Education. Feel free to print it off, meal plan with a goal of eating 80/20% and begin to alkalize. Supplements that will aid in lowering pH in the body are Life Source, Apple Cider Vinegar, Acid Neutralizer and Spirulina. The ACID/ALKALINE DIET is one that all people should follow to obtain optimal health and well-being. All disease thrives in an acid environment.
This BLOG site has several articles regarding arthritis: proper diet, exercise, and supplements backed up by recognized research that will make a big difference when dealing with the different types of arthritis. Several quality natural products that New Sun has to offer for those suffering with the different types of arthritis can be found in the previous BLOGS.
What are some things that can help when an injury is involved? Again, change your eating habits to the 80/20% plan. There are a number of essential oils that will help with the pain and inflammation as well as aid with the emotional stress related to an injury. Essential oils have been used for thousands of year and their application is very basic. Using it neat (massaging it into the skin of the affected area), inhalation (a few drops in the palm of the hands, rub together and then cup over the nose and inhale), diffusing, or in a bath. New Sun essential oils are 100% pure as found in nature. A few oils that have anti-inflammatory properties that may help with pain and stiffness are:
If bone and joint issues “run in the family”, you will want to take preventative measures. Many times due to a lack of enzymes, a person cannot breakdown calcium properly. Enzyme deficiency is not uncommon and can lead to a number of health issues, in addition to problems with the bones, joint and cartilage. Enzymes are not produced in the body, rather we obtain them from the foods we eat. In the average American diet, most foods are over cooked, destroying their enzymes. A general lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet lessens enzymes thus creating poor digestion and assimilation of our foods.
New Sun enzymes, as with all of our products, are made from the highest quality ingredients… no fillers or binders, artificial ingredients or colors. Enzymes to consider in helping with proper assimilation are:
As with all issues that affect our health, we need to remember in integrative health, it is the whole approach, body, mind, and spirit that work together toward optimal health. Take time each day to feed and nurture all three.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Those of you who have been customers (members) of New Sun since it’s beginning (1987) recognize the names, Bill and Millie Horosh. As a team, they were the founding members of New Sun and the power house behind building the company. Many of you had the privilege of studying with Bill and recognize the subject of this blog, “Death Begins in the Colon.” This is the basis of the journey to better health and no one understood it more than Bill Horosh.
The colon is part of the large intestine, the final part of the digestive system. Its function is to reabsorb fluids and process waste products from the body and prepare for its elimination. The colon consists of four parts: descending colon, ascending colon, transverse colon, and sigmoid colon.
While the small intestine plays a major role in absorbing nutrients from food, the large intestine plays a much smaller role. It stores waste, reclaims water, maintains water balance, absorbs certain vitamins (like vitamin K), and provides for flora-aided (mostly bacterial) fermentation.
The descending colon is located on the left side of the large intestine, extending from the bend below the spleen to the sigmoid colon. The descending colon stores the food to be emptied into the rectum. The colon is held in place by peritoneum, a thin layer of tissue that supports the abdominal organs. Blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves all pass through the peritoneum to reach various organs.
This makes the colon sound like a minor player in the health of our body when in fact it is the most valuable player. Of cancers that affect both men and women, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States and the third most common cancer in men and in women. For more information, visit:
The colon, by way of the nervous system, blood vessels and lymph vessels is connected to every part of the body. If the colon is congested that role is severely compromised. What is colon congestion and how does it affect our overall health?
Most people today don’t give much thought to the body’s most important function, elimination. With our busy life style, a number of areas that affect our health are overlooked. To name a few…proper diet has become a thing of the past, the popularity of “a pill for everything,” and I don’t mean vitamins! taking time to “de-stress”, and exercise. Does this sound like I am repeating myself? Well, yes I am. In order to achieve and maintain vibrant health, these are areas that need to be addressed on a daily basis.
A healthy Colon
I know elimination is not a subject that most people are comfortable with but it is so important. If a person consumes three meals a day, they should be eliminating a minimum of twice daily, preferably three times. When this does not occur, the food that is in the colon to be eliminated builds up, collects to the colon walls, making it impossible for the fluids and nutrients to be absorbed into the blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and the nerve endings to be carried to other parts of the body before passing the remainder via a bowel movement.
The normal temperature of the human body is 98.6°. What happens when you place uneaten food in a garbage can where the temperature is 98.6°? What happens when you leave it there several days? You’re right, it ferments and becomes rancid. Now, think about the food in your colon when it is not eliminated, not a pretty sight. There are many issues that develop within the colon as illustrated in the diagram below. Many of you probably suffer with one or more of these issues or know someone who does. Why not assist your body naturally when addressing an issue?
Conditions of the colon
The toxins that build in the congested colon do make way into the blood stream, lymphatic system, which is your second circulatory system, and into the nervous system. These toxins then lead to a break down within your body which leads to health issues beyond the colon. Areas that most people would not consider being derived from the colon.
I have been in the natural health field for thirty-eight years. I suffered with migraine headaches from as early as age six. My parents tried getting help medically with no avail. Did they ever consider constipation? Heck no! The problem was at the other end of my body!!! By my mid-twenties I sought medical advice only to be told that I could take a prescription, but could only take two within a 48-hour period and that might help. I didn’t want the drugs, so I suffered until my early thirties when I was introduced to natural products. I was blessed to attend a conference and listened to a seminar on the colon. An iridologist checked my eyes, saw the real issue, which was my colon; and after a year of colon cleansing the migraines stopped. I look back and realize that many issues are genetic. My grandmother died from colon cancer so I am pre-disposed to it as well as other types of cancer. My point here goes back to an opening statement, “death begins in the colon.”
An unhealthy colon
Through proper elimination many health issues can be avoided. As in most of my articles I talk about a “life style change” that may be the case for many people. Isn’t prevention the best medicine? Isn’t it better to assist the body in such a way that it can function as it was created and intended? Yes. There are many products on the market that are for constipation, inflammation, hemorrhoids and the list goes on. Those are chemicals, with side effects which only mask the issue in most cases. Let’s get back to the basics: proper diet, stress relief without a drug, and exercise. Are you worth the change? Are your family and friends worth the time and effort to improve or re-claim your health? In many cases to re-claim your life and enjoy it to the fullest.
Colon healthy diet
Veggies that support proper colon function and supply the body with life giving nutrients: Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, radishes, rutabaga, collard greens, turnip greens, arugula are high in fiber, calcium, iron, vitamins A and C plus enzymes. Forget iceberg lettuce, it has very little nutritional value and is acidic.
Fruits that are a good source of fiber would include: raspberries, pears, apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries, blueberries, figs, mangos, persimmons and guava. A healthful diet will include a minimum of two to three cups of vegetables and fruits per day.
Whole grains are an excellent source of dietary fiber. Again, that are whole grains, not refined. Whole grains contain the entire grain, the bran, germ and endosperm, and refined has been processed removing most of the fiber. So eliminate from your diet, or at least limit them to an occasional treat, all processed cereals, breads, muffins, foods made with refined grains. Read the labels, and if it says “enriched” that means chemicals have been added! A side benefit of fiber is that it will make you feel full so you may eat less and maybe even shed some unwanted pounds. Dietary fiber is also helpful with lowering blood cholesterol levels, may help with type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Best choices are: old fashion oats, rye, barley, brown rice, buckwheat, bulgur (cracked wheat), millet, quinoa, corn, whole wheat, popcorn and sorghum.
Legumes, beans are low in fat, a high source of protein and actually feed the good bacteria in the colon. They are a good source of folate and antioxidants in addition to phytochemicals lignin and saponin which help support the immune system. Beans are very versatile, and can be used as a side dish or a main course.
Best choices are: Navy beans, small white beans, cranberry beans, French green beans, pinto, black beans, split peas, lentils, mung beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, adzuki beans, lima beans, great northern beans, pigeon peas, and black eyed peas.
Protein for a healthy colon should be derived from the above beans and legumes and fish. Two studies conducted, one in France the second in China, found that consuming fish reduced the risk of colon cancer. Fish and fowl are your best choices for animal protein. Red meat is high in saturated fat content and can increase the risk of colon cancer so limit the amount you eat.
Following a colon healthy diet is really a healthy body diet. Remember the acid/alkaline diet comes into play here as well, 20% acid foods and 80% alkaline foods. There may be choices that you think you just can’t eat or others that you don’t want to eliminate from your diet. I would like to challenge you to try eating from this plan for thirty days and see how you feel. There will be a difference. I believe you will experience more energy, better overall body functioning, a sense of well-being, and I know you will be feeding your colon and your whole body with nutrients that will make a difference in your health. Don’t you want to experience each day with more vitality and less pain and inflammation? What do you have to lose?
Supplements for better colon function
Why do you need to consider supplements for your colon? If you are one who does have a congested colon, you will need to give your colon a little helping hand to begin eliminating properly. Some people, like myself, have that inherited colon weakness and will always need more than a healthy diet to keep things moving. A healthy diet is a “moving experience.”
There are large number of products available however, most are not made with natural ingredients.So why put chemicals into your body? I stated previously, they do not get to the root of the problem, it’s just a temporary relief. Why not consider natural ingredients that are plant derived, natural with no fillers, binders or excipients? There are a number available at New Sun, where quality and your health is our main concern. Don’t forget your “young ones” when it comes to proper colon health and function. Start them on the road to vibrant health from the beginning to avoid health issues later.
A few products to consider for optimal colon function and health: JLB is a colon conditioner and stool softener that is non habit forming, formulated with herbs that are known to aid and assist with proper colon function. This is a New Sun proprietary formula created by the founder, Jim Salvadori and our number one selling colon product.
Advanced Probiotics, the name speaks for itself. Probiotics are recognized as the number one product to help establish and maintain a healthy flora balance in the colon.
Cascara Sagrada is a single herb that has been used historically for elimination. This is a strong herb and should not be taken over a long period of time.
Colon Nutrients another gentle combination that feeds the colon as well as assisting with elimination. Another one of our over 100 proprietary formulas.
Fiber Cleanse is available in both capsule or powder form. This formula addresses this lack of fiber in the diet. Made from plant- based ingredients that help condition the colon as well.
Magnesium Blend is a combination of three magnesium variations which are all known to support not only the colon but the cardiovascular system plus bone and joint health. Today’s diets, in many cases, are high in sugar and various artificial ingredients that have contributed to a magnesium deficiency. In cases of constipation, magnesium may help encourage bowel function.
Slippery Elm is an herb that has been used for hundreds of years to help soothe an irritated stomach or colon. New Sun’s slippery elm is from the “cotton cut” or center of the elm branch, not the bark which is inferior and can be irritating.
There are other products available for the colon on our website. Feel free to check them out and if you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call or email. We are here to assist you in any way that we can.
This concludes the delicate but important subject of the colon. I would hope that anyone who has an issue with their colon, after reading this will have an understanding of how important colon health is for the entire body and make changes to help correct the situation. Death does begin in the colon!
Wishing all a vibrant and joyful day.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
Last week we posted about the top seven health concerns in the U.S. and the top prescribed drugs for each of those conditions. This week I would like to cover the number one health issue, Hypothyroidism.
This is a condition that many people do not realize is an issue for them. Many people have been misdiagnosed due to inadequate testing. Many people are not aware of the many health conditions that can arise due to thyroid issues. Let’s get really basic here and hopefully the information will be helpful to many of our readers.
For starters, what is hypothyroidism? In fact, what is the thyroid and where is it in relationship to our anatomy? Lastly, what are some of the causes?
As you can see from the diagram below, the thyroid is located in the front of the throat just below the Adam’s Apple. This small pink butterfly shaped gland releases hormones into the bloodstream which affect almost every part of your body. From your heart and brain to your muscles and skin these hormones play a major roll.
The thyroid controls how your body’s cells use energy from the foods we ingest, a process called metabolism. Among other things, your metabolism affects your body’s temperature, your heartbeat, and how well you burn calories. If you don’t have enough thyroid hormone, your body processes slow down and in turn that means your body makes less energy, and your metabolism becomes sluggish. This issue is called Hypothyroidism which is the number one health issue Americans are facing today as reported by IMS Health. Women, especially those over the age of 60, are more prone to hypothyroidism than men. However, children can also be affected.
Who is IMS Health? IMS Health is a leading global information and technology services company providing clients in the healthcare industry with end-to-end solutions to measure and improve their performance. Visit their website: www.IMSHealth.com to learn more. They deal with main stream health rather than alternative however, their information regarding drugs, their use, sales status etc. is excellent.
What are some of the causes of Hypothyroidism? There are a number of causes, many of which are overlooked.
The number one cause is an autoimmune disorder called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. A long name often referred to as “Hashi’s.” The body’s immune system attacks its own thyroid cells causing inflammation and the ultimate destruction of the gland over time. People with Hashi’s can vacillate between hypo and hyper when an attack occurs.
Many women may develop Hashi’s or simple hypothyroidism after the birth of a baby and is referred to as “silent thyroiditis” or “post-partum thyroiditis.” The causes for this can be varied from genetics or blood sugar issues to changes in hormone levels or the immune system.
Overtreatment for Graves Hyperthyroid or Hashi’s with radioactive iodine is another cause. Radiation to the head or neck can cause hypothyroidism.
Bromide is a chemical used in commercially prepared breads, baked goods, some vegetable oils, some citrus sodas, pesticides and some dyes. It is also present in high concentrations in seafood where it displaces iodine. It is toxic to the thyroid.
Iodine insufficiency is common with hypothyroidism which may be due to the lack of iodine in our diet, a lack of this essential mineral in our soil or an abundance of bromide in your body.
Selenium deficiency in our soil means a lack of this vital trace mineral in our food. This mineral is key for the conversion of the storage hormone T4 to the active hormone T3.
Pituitary gland failure can be another cause. If the pituitary fails to produce Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), hypothyroidism may result. If there is a tumor on the pituitary, or if there is a traumatic head injury.
Head or neck trauma, even whiplash can lead to hypothyroidism.
These are just a few of the causes. I recommend reading the book,” Stop the Thyroid Madness” by Janie A. Bowthorpe, M.Ed. available on Amazon.com.
What are the symptoms? The symptoms are not limited to what is listed below and often the symptoms will be vague or they may mimic other conditions.
• Changes in the menstrual cycle
• Constipation
• Depression
• Dry hair and hair loss
• Dry skin
• Fatigue
• Greater sensitivity to cold
• Slow heart rate
• Swelling of the thyroid gland (goiter)
• Unexplained weight gain or difficulty losing weight
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
You have read this post and you ask yourself, “What tests need to be performed to get an accurate diagnosis?” The standard TSH test that was established about 1973 is not sufficient in detecting hypothyroidism, for that matter most thyroid disorders. Ask your healthcare provider to perform the following blood work, if they are not willing then find one who will accommodate your request.
The following information was taken from the book, “Stop the Thyroid Madness” by Janie A. Bowthorpe, M.Ed. with permission of Janie A. Bowthorpe.
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)- Functional Range: 1.8-3.0 m U/L (lab ranges vary, but usually go up to about 5.0, which would be well above hypo)
Free T4 (Free Thyroxine, FT3)- Usually elevated with hyperthyroidism and low with hypothyroidism. Both can occur in Hashimoto’s. Functional Range:1.0-1.5 ng/dl
Free T3 (Free Triiodothyroxine, FT3)- Measures the amount available to the receptor sites, which are in the cells. Many patients feel better when their level is in the upper normal range. Functional Range: 300-450 pg/ml
Reverse T3 (AKA RT3)- An elevated level is commonly due to inflammation or chronic stress, trauma, etc. Some experts speculate that elevated levels of T3 can be caused by elevated RT3. Functional Range: 90-350 pg/ml Antibodies: A positive test indicates that the body is attacking the thyroid tissue. The level of antibodies can fluctuate, so some functional practitioners repeat the test if the results are negative and Hashi’s is strongly suspected.
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO Ab)-This test is the most important one for diagnosing Hashimoto’s. There is really no such thing as a functional range, though labs still have ranges.
Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TGB Ab)- Is not required for diagnosing Hashimoto’s, but is helpful because the antibodies often target the thyroid tissue.
Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin (TSI) Grave’s disease antibodies- People with Hashimoto’s can simultaneously have Grave’s disease. Patients with Grave’s can also have high TSH levels too. It’s possible for someone to have Grave’s first and then Hashimoto’s, or vice versa.
Vitamin D- Functional Range: 55-80 ng/ml (functional range is especially for Hashimoto’s patients) Iron Ferritin TIBC (Total Iron Binding Capacity) Vitamin B12 Liver & kidney function panels Magnesium
CMP and CBC with Differential
The testing is complete, if you test positive for hypothyroidism and your doctor prescribes Synthroid some of the common side effects of Synthroid include fever, hot flashes, sensitivity to heat, sweating, headache, nervousness, irritability, nausea, sleep problems (insomnia), changes in appetite or changes in weight, transient hair loss and pounding heartbeats or fluttering in the chest. Some women experience menstrual changes.
Is this your only choice? Absolutely not. There are several natural compounds available that have clinical research to substantiate their effectiveness. What are those choices? Nature-Throid for one ranks highest on the list of alternative products, NP Thyroid (Acella) and WP Thyroid. There are a number of websites that you can view for extensive information on these desiccated thyroid compounds. One that you might want to view is:www.jeffreydachmd.com/2013/06/natural-thyroid-is-better.
Foods and supplements for better thyroid health:
For those of us that are on our journey toward better health through natural means, diet is always a big part of that journey. There are a number of foods that are essential for thyroid health and function and there are those to avoid. Eating as much raw or steamed foods as possible will provide the nutrients and enzymes that are needed for digestion and optimal health. When one cannot afford organic there may be a need for supplementation and they are listed here as well. The list does not mean that you have to take all of them but read, educate yourself about each of them and determine if they will be beneficial for your body and above all, your thyroid.
Foods: Almonds, Almond Flour, Apple Cider Vinegar, Apricots, Asparagus, Avocados, Blueberries, Brazil Nuts, Cauliflower, Coconut Oil, Coconut Water (not milk), Eggs, Fish, Poultry, Meats, Onions, Pumpkin Seeds, Spinach, Tomatoes, Fresh Vegetable Juices and Yogurt.
Supplements: Acidophilus, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Ashwagandha, B-vitamins, B5, B6, B12, Cinnamon, Coenzyme Q10, Cod Liver Oil, Eleuthero, Omega 3, Folic Acid, Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba, Grape Seed Extract, Kelp, Krill Oil, Magnesium, Melatonin, Milk Thistle, Minerals, Mult-Vitamins, Potassium, Life Source, Selenium, Celtic Salt, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc in addition to New Sun Thyroid Health and Thyroid Cell Salts.
The Adrenal Gland is important to support as well when dealing with thyroid disorders and bringing the body back into balance.
New Sun’s mission is to educate and help people to better health and vitality with quality products. We do not stock all of the supplements listed but feel it is important that people know about them and when choosing your supplements be sure that they are organic when possible, always free of pesticides, fungicides and other excipients.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
National Arthritis MonthAre there natural alternatives that can aid with the pains and discomfort of arthritis? According to the Arthritis Foundation research hasn’t always kept pace with the popularity of supplements. There are a number of natural medicines that have and are being tested at a number of well-respected hospitals, Mayo and Cleveland Clinics to name two as well as several universities. The research has produced favorable results. The following are supplements that are backed by science and shown to be effective in aiding and providing support of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA) and arthritis-related conditions.
Boswellia Serrate (Frankincense) Boswellia Serrata is a large branching tree native to India, Northern Africa, and the Middle East. The trunk is tapped for its resin, which is purified and used in herbal preparations This resin has been used for centuries and clinical trials have shown that it has anti-inflammatory properties and analgesic (pain-relieving) properties. It may also help prevent cartilage loss and inhibit the autoimmune process. In a 2008 study, the extract, also known as Loxin 5, significantly improved OA pain and function within seven days. Several Indian studies also revealed it slowed cartilage damage after three months. Best used for osteoarthritis(OA).
Capsicum One major chemical constituent found in the fruit of the capsicum plant is capsaicin which is known to have anti-inflammatory properties in addition to promoting better circulation. The anti-oxidants contained in capsicum help combat free radicals in the body and may aid with osteoarthritis (OA). Capsicum seems to reduce the sensations of pain when applied topically. This is due to its ability to reduce substance P which is a chemical that carries pain messages to the brain. Reduced substance P means less pain in the body. Mixing capsicum with MSM lotion and applying to the affected area may bring relief from pain.
University of Maryland Medical(http://www.umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/herb/capsicum) has published several studies on capsicum which are available on-line. There are a number of on-line sources such as www,WebMD.com that contain information relating to capsicum and its benefits in regards to arthritis. Best used for osteoarthritis(OA) and rheumatoid arthritis(RA).
Turmeric/Curcumin LINK Derived from an Asian plant (Curcuma longa, Turmeric is an herb that most people are familiar with, curcumin is an active constituent and it has the ability to reduce joint pain and swelling by blocking inflammatory cytokines and enzymes. According to The National Institute of Health it is most used for osteoarthritis (OA) because of its anti-inflammatory properties. A 2010 clinical trial using turmeric showed long term improvement in pain and function in patients with knee osteoarthritis(OA). A small study in 2012 using curcumin showed more reduced joint pain and swelling in patients with rheumatoid arthritis(RS).
The University of Maryland Medical (http://www.umm.edu/healthmedical/altmed/herb/turmeric) agrees that curcumin is a strong antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation in the body. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals in the body which damage cell membranes, tamper with DNA, and even cause cell death. Antioxidants can fight free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause.
Taken from Dr. Andrew Weil’s website(http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/ART03001/Three-Reasons-to-Eat -turmeric.html): Turmeric contains a number of anti-inflammatory compounds. There are several different COX-2-inhibitors in turmeric. COX-2 is an enzyme that promotes pain, swelling and inflammation in the body. And inhibitors will selectively block that enzyme and help ease the pain and inflammation. Curcumin, the active constituent in turmeric, is a multifaceted anti-inflammatory. Studies on curcumin have shown positive changes in arthritic symptoms.
Cat’s Claw is a plant that is native to South and Central America as well as the Amazon rainforest. The bark and root have been used in that region for centuries to aid with inflammation issues such as arthritis. Cat’s Claw has antioxidant properties which help fight against free radicals which in turn, may help prevent and reduce damage in the body. It also contains compounds that may benefit the immune system. A small 2002 trial showed it reduced joint pain and swelling by more than 50% compared with a placebo. It is best used for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Cat’s Claw has properties that may also aid and assist with viral infections, shingles, colitis, diverticulitis and chronic fatigue. Cat’s claw was ranked as the seventh most popular herb in U.S. sales in 1997. Be careful not to confuse cat’s claw with cat’s foot.
Ginger is a native of Asia and has been used for thousands of years as a cooking spice. During the past 25 years there have been a number of studies providing scientific support that the constituents found in ginger contain anti-inflammatory properties. These properties are similar to ibuprofen and COX-2 inhibitors. A study from 2012 revealed that a ginger extract reduced inflammatory reactions in rheumatoid arthritis(RA) as effectively as steroids did. Other studies showed that taking an extract several times each day for three months reduced osteoarthritis pain in the knee. It is believed that it is best used for rheumatoid arthritis(RA) and osteoarthritis(OA). Ginger has a long history of use in Asian, Indian, and Arabic herbal traditions. In China, for example, ginger has been used to help with digestion and aid with stomach upset, diarrhea, and nausea for centuries. Ginger has also been used to help with arthritis, colic, and heart conditions.
Pine Bark Extract (Pinus pinaster) contains an active ingredient known as pycnogenol. Pycnogenol can also be extracted from other sources such as grape seed, witch hazel bark and peanut skin. The U.S. registered tradename for the pine bark extracted ingredient is pycnogenol. Studies have been conducted and conclude that pycnogenol has anti-inflammatory properties, thus it aids in reducing pain in the joints. Pine bark contains anti-oxidants that interact with free radicals within the body and terminate the chain reaction they cause before vital molecules are damaged. These anti-oxidants may slow down the degenerative process caused by arthritis. It is best used for osteoarthritis(OA). As with all herbs there are other disorders that it may aid such as anti-aging, and circulatory problems.
Studies have been conducted at several universities and they are published on-line.
Our mission at New Sun is to educate people regarding natural alternatives, provide the highest quality products, competitive pricing and exceptional customer service.
Next week we will learn about what vitamins, minerals and nutrients are beneficial for those with arthritis. Remember…take time for physical activity, maintain a healthy weight and eat a diet low in acid. National Arthritis Month
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
What is Arthritis and are their natural alternatives to drugs without side effects?
What is Arthritis?
What is Arthritis and are their natural alternatives to drugs without side effects?Most people are familiar with Arthritis since it is a common health issue today. At any given time of day you will see commercials on television, hear commercials on the radio and see ads in magazines regarding Arthritis. Considering the amount of revenue spent on advertising, Arthritis is not clearly understood. It has become a term used referring to joint pain or joint disease. Most people are not aware that there are more than 100 different types of Arthritis. It affects people of all ages, sexes and races. It is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. with more than 50 million adults and 300,000 children affected with some type of arthritis. Arthritis is more common among women and is most likely to occur with aging people.
The most common arthritis symptoms are swelling, pain, and stiffness in the joints and decreased range of motion. The symptoms may not always be consistent but come and go and can be mild, moderate or severe. The symptoms may stay the same for many years, or may progress or get worse over time. Chronic pain, inability to do daily activities and make it difficult to walk or climb stairs can be the results of severe arthritis. Arthritis can cause permanent joint changes such as knobby finger or knee joints. Most people do not realize that some types of arthritis can also affect the heart, eyes, lungs, kidneys and skin as well as the joints.
Types of arthritis:
Degenerative Arthritis
Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. This occurs when the cartilage-the slick, cushioning surface on the ends on bones- wears away, the bone rubs against bone, which in turn causes pain, swelling and stiffness. Over time when this happens the joints can lose strength and pain may become chronic. Some of the risk factors for Osteoarthritis(RA) include excess weight, family history, age and previous injury.
Inflammatory Arthritis
The purpose of the immune system to protect the body. But the immune system can go awry. In the case of arthritis, it may mistakenly attack the joints with uncontrolled inflammation, potentially causing the joints to erode and also may damage internal organs, eyes and other parts of the body. Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA) and Psoriatic Arthritis are both forms of inflammatory arthritis. It is believed that a combination of genetics and environmental factors can trigger autoimmunity. There are environmental risk factors that can trigger Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and smoking is one those for people with certain genes.
Early diagnosis and treatment is critical for those who have autoimmune and inflammatory types of arthritis. Slowing the disease activity can help minimize or even prevent joint damage. The main goal is remission and this may be achieved through methods including diet and supplementation.
Infectious Arthritis
There are a number organisms that can infect the joints and possibly trigger inflammation. These can be a virus, fungus or a bacterium. Some examples of organisms that can infect joints are salmonella and shigella (food poisoning or contaminated food), chlamydia or gonorrhea (sexually transmitted diseases) and hepatitis C (a blood-to blood infection through shared needles or transfusions). Timely treatment with antibiotics may clear the infection, but sometimes arthritis may become chronic.
Metabolic Arthritis
Purines are a substance found in human cells as well as many foods. Uric acid is formed as the body breaks down purines. Many people naturally produce more uric acid than is needed. If they are not able to eliminate the excess acid, it can build up in the body and form into needle-like crystals in the joint. This buildup of uric acid in the joint creates extreme spikes of pain which is known as gout. Gout can come and go in episodes or, if uric acid levels aren’t reduced, it can become chronic, causing ongoing pain and disability.
There are many things that can be done to preserve joint function, mobility and quality of life. To learn more about the disease and treatment options view: www.arthritis.org/living-with-arthritis/treatments/natural and www.arthritisfoundation.org. are excellent sources. Make time for physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight with a low acid diet are essential. New Sun Ultra R and Glucosamine/Chondroitin MSM Complex are natural supplements that are formulated to aid and assist with Bone and joint function. Next week we will cover supplements and herbs that research supports their use for aiding and assisting with arthritis.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
It is estimated that one-third of American adults suffer with high blood pressure. What is so tragic is that many aren’t aware that they have the problem. It’s called the silent killer for that very reason. If not detected, high blood pressure can lead to a number of serious health issues including heart attack, kidney issues, stoke, diabetes, vision loss, and metabolic syndrome, to name a few.
The number five highest selling prescription drug in the U.S. is Diovan. Diovan relaxes and widens the blood vessels allowing the blood to flow more readily.
The following was taken from: www.rxlist.com/diovan-side-effect-drug-center.htm.
The side effects of Diovan are: headache, dizziness, tiredness, flu symptoms, upper respiratory infection, cough, diarrhea, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, swelling, blurred vision, itching or skin rash, back and joint pain.
It’s the silent killer, what can one do to help prevent high blood pressure from becoming a health issue for you? There seven key steps that will increase the chances that you will not develop high blood pressure. They are as follows:
1. Keep your weight in the normal range.
2. Exercise
3. Healthy diet
4. Reduce sodium
5. Limit alcohol
6. Quit smoking
7. Cut back on caffeine
8. Reduce stress
Those of you that follow our blog know that I am going to talk diet. That’s a given! In addition to the DASH diet that is recommended by the American Heart Association, I have to add the importance of alkalizing. The acid/alkaline chart is available on this site under the education tab.
DASH is a flexible and balanced eating plan that helps create a heart-healthy eating style for life. It requires no special foods and instead provides daily and weekly nutritional goals. This plan recommends:
• Eating vegetables, fruits, and whole grains
• Including fat-free or low-fat dairy products, fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and vegetable oils
• Limiting foods that are high in saturated fat, such as fatty meats, full-fat dairy products, and tropical oils such as coconut, palm kernel, and palm oils
• Limiting sugar-sweetened beverages and sweets.
Based on these recommendations, the following table shows examples of daily and weekly servings that meet DASH eating plan targets for a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet.
Daily and Weekly DASH Eating Plan Goals for a 2,000-Calorie-a-Day Diet
*1,500 milligrams (mg) sodium lowers blood pressure even further than 2,300 mg sodium daily.
When following the DASH eating plan, it is important to choose foods that are:
• Low in saturated and trans fats
• Rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and protein
• Lower in sodium
Controll blood pressure with exercise.We should all be physically active to improve overall health and fitness. Those who aren’t physically active are more prone to develop health issues. We aren’t talking strenuous exercise here, but brisk walking is beneficial when done regularly for a total of 30 minutes or longer at least 5 days a week. Lack of physical activity increases your risk for heart attack and stroke and can contribute to obesity. On the other hand, regular physical activity helps to reduce blood pressure, control weight and reduce stress. These activities are especially beneficial when done regularly:
• Brisk walking, hiking or stair-climbing
• Jogging, running, bicycling, rowing or swimming
• Fitness classes at your appropriate level
• Activities such team sports, a dance class or fitness games
Reducing stress
Stress is a major issue in today’s world. Physical exercise helps with combating stress along with yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises. Take time each day, even if you have to go to the privacy of your bathroom!!! And decompress. Find that quiet place in your office, home, or garden and sit quietly, breathing deep breathes and focus on getting yourself centered. Yoga and stretching exercises are very beneficial, if you will allow yourself the time to do them, say three times a week. Are you worth it? You can’t be the loving, energetic, confident person with vibrant health that you were created to be if you do not nurture yourself. There is nothing selfish about taking care of you. Remember, high blood pressure is the silent killer. Don’t give it an opportunity to take away any part of you or your life.
Supplemental and Essential Oil Aids
There are a number of supplements and essential oils that are recognized for aiding with high blood pressure. As a preventative it is a good idea to incorporate a few into your daily diet. Most of the foods that we eat are lacking in many nutrients, unless you are eating organically grown fruits and veggies. If you already have high blood pressure and are taking a prescription, the use of several of these may make it possible to lower the dosage or completely eliminate it with your doctor’s approval.
Best Supplements for blood pressure
Some of the most familiar supplements are:
Co Enzyme Q10
Flax Seed Oil
Grape Seed
Vitamin E
New Sun BP
New Sun Advanced BP
New Sun Ayurvedic BP
You can learn about each of the above supplements on this site. There is a vast amount of information available on-line, including studies that have been conducted documenting their benefits when dealing with high blood pressure. Always select supplements that are made with the highest quality ingredients, natural, free of fillers and binders. I like to say, “There wasn’t a Rx store in the garden” so why introduce synthetics into our bodies through our supplements?
Essential Oils Aids
Essential Oils Aids:
To learn more about essential oils and the major role that they play in our emotional and physical health and the different ways to use them, check out our blog page on essential oils. There are many grades of Essential Oil. Make sure that what you purchase is certified free of contaminates, not blended with synthetic ingredients, that they are pure as found in nature.
New Sun’s mission is to educate and help people to better health and vitality with quality products. When choosing your supplements be sure that they are organic when possible, always free of pesticides, fungicides and other excipients.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.