Dieting Dos and Don’ts: How to Lose Weight While Staying Healthy this New Year’s

scale and measuring tapeHave you made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight? If so, you are not alone. A Harris Poll shows that losing weight is number one of the top 10 New Year’s resolutions in America, with the goal of eating healthier coming in third.

It’s not surprising that losing weight is top on our list of intentions. Forty percent of the adult population in the US is obese, causing health officials to declare it a “growing epidemic.” The Harvard School of Public Health says that obesity negatively affects nearly every aspect of health, “from reproductive to respiratory function to memory and mood.”

Knowing this, along with society’s emphasis on “being skinny,” it’s tempting to want to lose weight as quickly as possible. But rapid weight loss is unhealthy, often resulting in eating poorly and taking supplements that are downright dangerous.

Healthy weight loss takes time, but by eating sensibly and adding natural supplements to your weight loss plan, you’ll be doing your body a favor. In the end, healthy weight loss is worth it — you’ll learn positive habits that you can use for a lifetime, and you’ll look and feel better, too! Read more Dieting Dos and Don’ts: How to Lose Weight While Staying Healthy this New Year’s

How to Have Healthy Blood Pressure, Naturally

doctor taking blood pressureThe holidays are fast approaching, making this the perfect time to talk about high blood pressure. Ok, we’re kidding — all jokes aside, maintaining normal blood pressure is crucial to our health. High blood pressure can lead to serious problems, including stroke, vision loss, heart failure, heart attack, kidney disease and failure, sexual dysfunction, and even death.

According to the CDC, nearly half of all adults in the US have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. That’s 108 million people! Of those 108 million, only about 1 in 4 have their hypertension under control. Read more How to Have Healthy Blood Pressure, Naturally

A Happy, Healthy Thyroid Means a Happy, Healthy You!

woman feeling sick with hands on throatDo you feel more tired than usual —finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, then reaching for that third (or fourth) cup of coffee as the day wears on? Have you noticed that you don’t have the same zest for life that you used to? Are you experiencing puffiness in your face, weight gain, and sluggishness? Or are you losing weight, despite eating normally and feel like you’re always “on edge” and anxious?

All of these can be symptoms of a thyroid disorder. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland found on the low front of the neck. This small-but-mighty gland is only about the size of two thumbs, but it secretes hormones that affect nearly every organ in the body and regulate important functions such as growth and development, heart rate, weight, digestion, and mood. Taking steps to promote a healthy, happy thyroid is essential to keeping our bodies and ourselves healthy and happy, too. Read more A Happy, Healthy Thyroid Means a Happy, Healthy You!

Fight Fall Allergies the Natural Way

woman with allergies blowing noseAhhh-choo! Think allergy season was over when spring ended? Think again! Many of us suffer from allergies in the fall, particularly from ragweed pollen, which is one of the most common weed allergies. If you’re already starting to cough, sneeze, and get itchy, watery eyes, it’s time to take action. Fortunately, there are many healthy, natural ways to combat allergies without ingesting the chemicals and preservatives often found in many OTC medications. Read more Fight Fall Allergies the Natural Way

Back to School During COVID-19: A Holistic Approach to Staying Safe

Child wearing back to school COVID-19 maskGoing back to school is going to look very different for most of us this year. Whether your child will be returning to a classroom, learning exclusively from home, or a mix of both, it will be important to make sure they have plenty of support mentally, emotionally, and physically. Providing a natural, holistic system that includes healthy foods, supplements, and ways to relieve stress will be essential to keep your child healthy. Read more Back to School During COVID-19: A Holistic Approach to Staying Safe

Summer Aid Kit: All-Natural Relief for Common Ailments

mosquito biting skinThere’s nothing like the great outdoors in Western North Carolina, and summer is one of the best times to enjoy it. Our mild climate and beautiful mountains offer the perfect setting for everything from hiking to family picnics. Unfortunately, none of us are immune to summer hazards like itchy bug bites and the uncomfortable side effects of overeating at backyard barbeques. But never fear — we’ve come up with an all-natural summer aid kit that includes some simple but effective ways to keep you and your loved ones feeling great all summer long! Read more Summer Aid Kit: All-Natural Relief for Common Ailments

Male and Female Health: Understanding Your Individual Needs

In the bestselling book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus,” John Gray explains that once we recognize and accept what he believes are fundamental emotional differences between men and women, we’ll experience better relationships. The same can be said for our physical health — men and women’s bodies have very different needs. By being aware of those needs and understanding what we can do to take care of them, we can ensure that we’re living as healthy as possible — even if at times it might seem like we come from different planets! Read more Male and Female Health: Understanding Your Individual Needs

Inflammation: Your Questions Answered

Inflammation is a natural process that helps your body heal when it’s been damaged, but if it becomes chronic, it can be harmful. If you’ve been feeling tired, achy, feverish, or generally unwell for a period of time, you may be experiencing chronic inflammation. You could even have chronic inflammation without experiencing symptoms. But what exactly is inflammation, and how can you prevent it? Read on for answers to commonly asked questions about inflammation. Read more Inflammation: Your Questions Answered

The Importance of a Spring Cleanse for Your Body

Spring is the time of year when many of us deep clean our homes and reorganize our closets, but did you know that it’s also a great time to cleanse your body? Throughout the year, we’re regularly exposed to harmful elements that collect in our systems, so it’s critical to conduct a total body cleanse in the fall and spring. Here are some of the most common poisons in our environment and the damage they can cause, as well as what you can do to help rid your body of them: Read more The Importance of a Spring Cleanse for Your Body

How is the Coronavirus Impacting the Natural Product Industry?

While dietary supplements should never be sold to treat, cure or prevent a disease, many are now in particularly high demand in the U.S. due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Within the natural products industry, one impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been a growing consumer demand for natural “cold and flu” and “immune” products, including certain vitamins, herbal supplements, and products touted for enhancing the immune system.

Why are we telling you this? To inform our customers/consumers that you need to stock up now to ensure you have what you need for you and your family to help keep your immune systems functioning optimally!

Immune-building products available at New Sun: Read more How is the Coronavirus Impacting the Natural Product Industry?