Vacation First Aid Kit: The All-Natural Way to Enjoy Your Summer!

summer vacation essentialsAre you ready for summer vacation? After over a year of travel restrictions and not being able to see friends and family as much as we’d like – or at all – many of us can’t wait to hit the road!

But before you grab your overnight bag and a toothbrush and head out, take a few minutes to put together an all-natural Vacation First Aid Kit. Whether you’ve got an exotic overseas adventure planned, or are simply taking a road trip to see your sister and her kids, changes in your routine, the foods you eat, and climate can all negatively affect your health.

Never fear! We’ve listed some of the most common vacation complaints below, along with healthful, all-natural remedies that will have you back to feeling your best in no time. Read more Vacation First Aid Kit: The All-Natural Way to Enjoy Your Summer!

Everything You Should Know About Sinus Support

woman blowing noseSinuses are part of the human body that many of us don’t think about until they’re causing problems. But this connected system of hollow cavities in the skull is always working hard for us — our sinuses humidify the air we breathe and can help catch environmental contaminants and prevent them from entering our bodies and hurting us.

The largest sinus cavities are about an inch across, but others are much smaller. Your cheekbones hold your maxillary sinuses. Your ethmoid sinuses are located between your eyes. The bones behind your nose are your sphenoid sinuses. Your frontal sinuses are located between your eyes.

Our sinuses are lined with soft, pink tissue called “mucosa.” Normal, healthy sinuses are empty with the exception of a thin layer of mucus, which is what helps capture contaminants.

It’s when our sinuses become blocked that problems can begin. When our sinus system becomes filled with fluid or mucus, they aren’t able to prevent contaminants and germs from entering our bodies, which can cause a sinus infection, or sinusitis. Read more Everything You Should Know About Sinus Support

How to Help Your Glands Be Happy!

chart of endocrine systemOur glands are some of the most important organs in our body. Each of our glands manufacture hormones that perform specific functions.

When our glandular system is healthy, everything performs as it should, and our bodies feel better. But when our glandular system becomes unbalanced, a host of issues can arise. Here’s what you need to know about how to support your glandular system to keep it happy and performing its best! Read more How to Help Your Glands Be Happy!

Why You Might Need a Parasitic Cleanse

Parasites. Does hearing the word make your skin crawl? Parasites can be hard to think about, but parasitic infections in the US are more common than you might think – they can affect up to one-third of our population, according to reports from the CDC and The National Center for Biotechnology Information. Therefore, it’s important to learn what they are, how they’re transmitted, and how to prevent them. Read more Why You Might Need a Parasitic Cleanse

Want an All-Natural Cardiovascular Health Plan? Just Click!

fruit in heart shaped bowlsDid you know that cardiovascular disease kills over 17 million people worldwide each year? In the US alone, more than 126 million people suffered from some form of cardiovascular disease between 2015-2018.

Your chances to develop cardiovascular disease increase if you have poor health habits, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, are diabetic or pre-diabetic, overweight, or have a family history of the disease. Additionally, men who are over 45 and women who are over 55 or are post-menopausal or had preeclampsia during pregnancy are at increased risk.

But there’s good news! You can decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease, even if you are predisposed to it, and you can do it using completely natural methods. If you’re wondering what you should do and aren’t sure where to start, we’ve got you covered. From exercise suggestions to what supplements you can take, we’ve created a plan for improving cardiovascular health. All you have to do is click the links provided, and you’ll be on your way to a healthier heart!** Read more Want an All-Natural Cardiovascular Health Plan? Just Click!

The Five Superpowers of Hyaluronic Acid

superheroIf you ever watched superhero cartoons as a kid, you know that caped crusaders often look like normal, everyday people, but underneath their mild-manner appearance lies the ability to perform amazing acts. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) might be called one of the superheroes of our bodies. This small but mighty substance does everything from keep wrinkles at bay to help prevent osteoporosis. Read on to learn more about the superpowers of HA! Read more The Five Superpowers of Hyaluronic Acid

Spring Detox: Cleanse Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

woman in spring field with hatWhile winter is a great time for rest, relaxation, and replenishing, spring is the perfect time for fresh starts and naturally lends itself to cleansing and detoxing from any harmful substances that may have built up in your body throughout the winter.

Follow these guidelines for a healthy spring cleanse, using all-natural supplements and healthy foods to wake up your body, leaving it refreshed and ready for warmer weather! Read more Spring Detox: Cleanse Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Three Ways to Kiss Your Winter Blues Goodbye (Plus, a Special Section Just for Kids!)

There’s no doubt that this winter has been harder than usual for most of us. We all tend to stay indoors and out of the sun in colder months, which can result in a lack of Vitamin D and cause Seasonal Affective Disorder. This year, we’re also dealing with a global pandemic, making it even more difficult to get out, and keeping us physically distanced from family and friends. If you’re experiencing the winter blues, you’re certainly not alone!

couple outside drinking coffeeBut take heart. Spring and warmer weather are just around the corner. In the meantime, we’ve got three great tips to help you kiss those winter blues goodbye and gain a cheerier outlook! Read more Three Ways to Kiss Your Winter Blues Goodbye (Plus, a Special Section Just for Kids!)

How to Stress Less So You Can Feel Your Best

woman sitting on pierStress. Even seeing the word might cause your blood pressure to rise a little. By now, you probably know all the ways stress is bad for your health, so we’re going to take a more positive, less stressful approach in this article and tell you about all the GREAT health benefits that you can achieve when you take measures to reduce stress. Plus, we’ll give you some tips for reducing stress, some of which can help you start feeling better right away. Now, don’t you feel less stressed already? Read more How to Stress Less So You Can Feel Your Best

7 Reasons You Should Be Taking Royal Jelly

honeybeesFor centuries, people have been taking Royal Jelly, a substance that is literally made for royalty. The compound is created by worker bees to feed the queen bee and her larvae to promote their superior growth and development over the rest of the hive. Ancient Greeks believed Royal Jelly was part of the ambrosia that gave the gods their immortality. Cleopatra used Royal Jelly as part of her beauty routine — no doubt it helped her sway the hearts and minds of both Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Today, 94-year-old Queen Elizabeth takes it to help boost her energy. Read more 7 Reasons You Should Be Taking Royal Jelly