Three Ways to Kiss Your Winter Blues Goodbye (Plus, a Special Section Just for Kids!)

There’s no doubt that this winter has been harder than usual for most of us. We all tend to stay indoors and out of the sun in colder months, which can result in a lack of Vitamin D and cause Seasonal Affective Disorder. This year, we’re also dealing with a global pandemic, making it even more difficult to get out, and keeping us physically distanced from family and friends. If you’re experiencing the winter blues, you’re certainly not alone!

couple outside drinking coffeeBut take heart. Spring and warmer weather are just around the corner. In the meantime, we’ve got three great tips to help you kiss those winter blues goodbye and gain a cheerier outlook!

1. Use your senses. Did you know that using your five senses can help lift your mood? The next time you’re feeling down, practice using one or more of your five senses to elevate your spirits. Eat something delicious. Pet your dog or cat for a boost of oxytocin. Listen to a song that makes you happy. Watch your kids play outside. (Join in for an extra boost of joy!) Or use several senses at once by taking a warm bath with a few drops of our Joy and Bergamot Essential Oils mixed into the water. Joy contains Ylang Ylang, which can release negative emotions, and Bergamot has flavonoids which promote a sense of relaxation. Both contain sweet orange, whose citrus smell has been shown to alleviate feelings of depression.

2. Take a walk outside. Many areas of the country begin to see warmer days in March. If you can venture outside on a sunny day, even for just 10 to 20 minutes, you can improve your sleep, lower your blood pressure, reduce your risk of cancer, and lower your risk of depression — all reasons to feel happier! If you can’t get enough sun (and most of us don’t, according to this study), consider taking a supplement like Vitamin D-3, which will not only help improve your mood, but can also support bone health, strengthen your immune system, and improve oral health.

3. Listen to your body. When we treat our bodies well, they’ll reward us by making us feel good. If you’re tired, take a nap, go to bed early, or simply sit for a few minutes and breathe. If your stomach is rumbling, eat a healthy snack or meal. If you’re feeling lonely, call a friend or schedule a Zoom meetup with a group. Support your overall health with B-Complex Vitamins. B Vitamins are essential to our bodies; they improve our digestive and immune systems, cognitive function, heart health, energy levels, and more. When your body is healthy, you’ll feel happier!

BONUS: How to Help Your Kids Feel Happier

Our kids’ lives have certainly been upended this year. COVID-19 has disrupted their routines, their learning, and their time spent playing with friends, all of which are essential components to kids’ health and walking in woods

You can help your child’s mood in all of the same ways you help your own, but make them kid-friendly!

Begin by sitting down with your child and asking them what makes them feel happier. Make a list of all their ideas, then go through the list and see what you can reasonably accommodate. If they want to have a playdate, perhaps set one up at a local park, agreeing on any social distancing guidelines with the other family ahead of time. If they want to eat “all the ice cream,” make sundaes together and share a sensible portion.

Remember that spending time with mom or dad ALWAYS makes your child happy. Try carving out part of the day to share a moment with them. Family dinners are a great way for everyone to come together. (We recommend making a “no screens at the table” rule.)

Let your child lead the way in your time together — either by talking about what’s on their mind, telling you the game they want to play, or suggesting a show they want to watch. By listening to them and doing the things they love, you’ll be giving them a boost of self-confidence and a feeling of safety and security, which are great ways to lift their spirits. For even more mood-boosting ideas for your family, visit

Support your child’s health with our collection of Kidz Supplements! Try Kidz DHA to help with memory, vision, and ADHD, or Kidz Super Dophilus for healthy immune support. And let’s face it — our kids usually prefer to eat foods that aren’t very healthy. Kidz Zymes are a great supplement that lend a helping hand with digestion. All of our Kidz supplements are naturally flavored and taste great, too!

Here’s one more reason to feel happier — all of our supplements are all natural, third party tested, and made with the highest quality proprietary blends. When you purchase one of our products, you can feel good, knowing that you’re getting the highest standards of product quality, product safety, and customer service! Call us today and let us help you choose the right products for your family that will banish those winter blues!


*The information we provide in this article is not meant to be taken as professional medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products and articles are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness. If you are experiencing stress that is interfering with your health, contact your doctor or a mental health professional.