Spring Detox: Cleanse Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

woman in spring field with hatWhile winter is a great time for rest, relaxation, and replenishing, spring is the perfect time for fresh starts and naturally lends itself to cleansing and detoxing from any harmful substances that may have built up in your body throughout the winter.

Follow these guidelines for a healthy spring cleanse, using all-natural supplements and healthy foods to wake up your body, leaving it refreshed and ready for warmer weather!

artichokes1. Cleanse your gut

Gut health affects your entire body, from your digestive health to your immune system. Keeping your gut healthy can prevent gastrointestinal diseases like Crohn’s, help keep you at a healthy weight, and even help relieve or prevent heart problems and depression.

What to take
The all-American diet, full of trans-fats, processed foods, and sugar, is not ideal for a healthy gut. Take Para-CL, which contains black walnut leaves and hulls, a special blend of cloves, papaya fruit, and slippery elm, all of which can help restore digestive balance and cleanse your body from parasites. Also consider Fiber Cleanse, which contains cascara and oat bran. These ingredients support nutrition and are soothing to the stomach and intestines.

What else you can do
Be sure to eat foods rich in probiotics, prebiotics, and fiber. Fermented foods are great for keeping your gut healthy. Good choices are sauerkraut, kombucha, miso, leeks, onions, raspberries, beans and legumes, bananas, apples, and dark chocolate. For a more comprehensive list of gut-healthy foods, visit EatingWell.com.

three women2. Cleanse your skin and hair

Shiny, bouncy hair and soft, supple skin will help you look and feel your best! You can keep your hair and skin healthy by cleansing both inside and out.

What to take
Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil to tone and detoxify your skin and promote healthy hair growth. Juniper Berry is a natural antiseptic, an anti-inflammatory, and an astringent.

For an all-natural healthy hair treatment, add a few drops of Juniper Berry to your shampoo, or mix it with a carrier oil such as coconut or sweet almond and leave it in for a deep conditioning treatment.

To soften and cleanse skin, you can also add Juniper Berry to coconut or sweet almond oil, or your favorite lotion. Have cellulite? Juniper Berry can help! Whip up this all-natural cellulite cream from Dreaming Loud.

What else you can do
Promote healthier skin and hair from the inside out by eating a diet plentiful in fruits, veggies, healthy fats like olive and coconut oil, and lean proteins. Eat organic if possible. Stay out of the sun and away from harsh chemicals (like chlorine-filled pools!). Avoid smoking, and find healthy ways to manage stress.

3. Cleanse Your Kidneys

Your kidneys are essential for clearing out waste from your body. They also remove extra fluid and acid to keep a healthy balance of water, salt, and minerals in your system. In addition, they release hormones that regulate the blood pressure and produce Vitamin D, which promotes strong, healthy bones.

What to take
Kidney-CL promotes proper fluid excretion helps filter toxins and waste. It also helps regulate blood pressure and controls production of red blood cells.

What else you can do
Hydration is key when it comes to keeping kidneys healthy, so drink plenty of water. Grapes, cranberries, and seaweed are great foods to consume for healthy kidney function. Be sure you’re getting lots of Vitamin B-6 and Omega-3s in your diet — both of these support healthy kidney function.

For a healthy 2-Day Kidney Cleanse diet, see this article on Healthline.com.

4. Cleanse Your Lymph Systemyoga pose

Our bodies are exposed to toxins every day. When toxins build up in your body, they can cause all sorts of issues – from cancer to premature menopause. Your lymph system is your body’s drainage system, working to clean out all the waste and toxins that can build up. A lymph system cleanse will help eliminate harmful toxins, allowing your body to operate efficiently.

What to take
Lymphatic Cleanser supports your lymph system in getting rid of the build-up of toxins in your body. It contains a special blend of leaves, roots, herbs, and seeds that flush your body of pollutants and chemicals from our environment and the foods we eat, leaving you feeling energized and healthy.

What else you can do
Getting plenty of vitamins and minerals and oxygen will support your lymph system in its work. Also be sure that you’re exercising regularly — yoga and moderate cardio are two great ways to activate the flow of lymphatic fluid in your body. Deep breathing is another healthy, natural way to active and detox the lymphatic system. Stay hydrated, and wear loose clothing.


Want to learn more ways to stay healthy this spring? Browse our website for all-natural products, or give us a call. We carry a wide variety of products such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, encapsulated herbs and herbal blends, essential oils, liquid herbal extracts, salves, and soaps. All of our products are third-party tested, and our team is dedicated to maintaining quality in every aspect of the process to ensure our product is without a doubt safe and effective!