
What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are tiny bacteria-like organisms that live throughout the human body, primarily in the
gut or intestinal tract. Unlike other harmful bacteria that cause illness, probiotics are referred to
as “good bacteria” because they can actually benefit overall health. For example, without good
bacteria, bad or harmful bacteria can overwhelm the digestive tract and cause infection.
Therefore, our bodies need probiotics to stay balanced and maintain overall health.

Probiotic Supplements

Although the human body is capable of producing probiotics naturally, modern-day lifestyles
and diets have depleted probiotic levels. Excess stress and poor eating habits encourage the
growth of harmful bacteria, so it has become more crucial to support probiotic production
through a high quality supplement.

Supplements can help replenish the probiotics that may have gone missing and reestablish
healthy bacteria levels in the body. You can maximize the effects of probiotic supplements by
eating fresh vegetables and pure, natural foods. It is also wise to limit use of harsh prescription
drugs and antibiotics. Antibiotics target all of the bacteria in the body, including the good,
healthy kind.

Probiotic Benefits

Extensive scientific research has shown numerous health benefits of probiotics, including:

 Immune support: Probiotics have been linked to reducing the severity of cold and flu
symptoms. It has also been said that the gut (intestinal tract) lays the foundation for the
immune system because most bodily bacteria originates there.

 Digestive health and balance: Like enzymes, probiotics are crucial for healthy digestion.
Without a healthy level of probiotics, diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and
other digestive upsets may occur.

 Urinary health: Probiotics may reduce the likelihood of infections throughout the entire
body, including the urinary tract.

 Yeast infection/candida overgrowth reduction: Probiotic organisms can help yeast
infections − linked to bacteria called Candida albicans – by counteracting excessive
candida growth.
Common Ingredients in Probiotic Supplements
There are varying types of healthy bacteria that are considered probiotic. The following are a few

 Lactobacillus acidophilus: Lactobacillus acidophilus occurs naturally in the human body
and may be the most commonly used ingredient in probiotic supplements.

 Bifidobacterium lactis: Bifidobacterium lactis is a good bacterium found in dairy
products like yogurt.

 Streptococcus thermophiles: Streptococcus thermophiles is a live bacteria culture found
in dairy products like cheese.
Probiotic Vs. Prebiotic
Probiotics and prebiotics are both beneficial to health. The major differences between them are
where they come from and how they work:

 Probiotics are naturally occurring in the body or found in perishable foods like dairy and
yogurt; whereas prebiotics are dietary fibers found in fruits and vegetables.

 Prebiotic supplements also contain different ingredients like fructo-oligosaccharides
(FOS), which provide the nutrients that fuel probiotics.

New Sun Natural Probiotics

New Sun offers the highest quality probiotic dietary supplements created to support the human
body’s needs, including Advanced Probiotics, gluten free probiotic capsules, and Acidophilus &
Bifidus, a probiotic acidophilus. If you have any questions, we are here to assist you. Please give
us a call at 1-800-544-0777.

Please note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is
for educational purposes only. New Sun, Inc. in no way dispenses medical advice, prescribes
remedies, or assumes responsibility for those who choose to treat themselves. Consult a
healthcare professional before using these or any product during pregnancy or if you have a
serious medical condition.