Holiday Digestive Issues and Solutions

The holidays are prime time for overindulging in foods that could upset your digestive system. Between the first treat loaded holiday of the season, Halloween, thru the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, we put our digestive systems through a lot this time of year. Other seasonal stress can wreak havoc on your system as well, between holiday shopping, event planning, and more.

As with most things, prevention is key, but when you simply can’t resist those baked goods that your co-worker brought in, or your grandmother’s famous pound cake recipe, we have an array of products that can be helpful in supporting your digestive system this holiday season, getting you back on track!

If stress is what has you bothered, we’ve got some products for that too.

Read more Holiday Digestive Issues and Solutions

What are Systemic and Proteolytic Enzymes?

What are Systemic and Proteolytic Enzymes?

Enzymes are essential to all of your metabolic processes. Proteolytic enzymes (proteases) work
to break proteins down into amino acids in systems throughout the body. Proteolytic enzymes are
sometimes called systemic enzymes for this reason. In the stomach and small intestines,
proteases act as digestive enzymes that help you break down the proteins that you eat. In the
muscles, joints, and tissues, proteolytic enzymes help break down proteins that weaken the
immune system and cause inflammation and pain.

Common Proteolytic Enzymes Found in Supplements

Systemic enzyme supplements replenish stores of enzymes that are depleted by chronic illness,
stress, injury, poor diet, and the aging process. Some of the most beneficial proteolytic enzymes
found in supplements include:

 Bromelain (found in pineapple)
 Chymotrypsin
 Pancreatin
 Papain (from papaya)
 Trypsin

The Benefits of Protease Enzymes

Anyone who needs immune system support or support in recovery from an injury may benefit
from a systemic supplement containing proteolytic enzymes. Supplements containing proteolytic
enzymes offer a variety of other possible benefits, including:

 Immune system support
 Reduction of inflammation
 Support the body’s natural healing process after surgery or injury
 Promote joint health and flexibility
 Support a healthy circulatory system
 Detoxification of the blood and tissues

Why Take Systemic Enzyme Supplements

There are a variety of reasons why a person might benefit from a systemic enzyme dietary
supplement containing proteases:

 Anyone who wants to support complete digestion and absorption of the proteins in your
diet, particularly those who are heavy meat eaters, could benefit from a supplement
containing proteolytic enzymes.

 Older people also may consider taking a supplement because our bodies naturally
produce fewer enzymes as we age.

 The pancreas produces protease enzymes so pancreatic ailments can lead to a deficiency
of proteolytic enzymes.

 Certain other chronic illnesses and diseases can cause us to have low levels of enzymes.
Those who have a compromised immune system or who are recovering from illness
could benefit from taking a systemic enzyme supplement.
Modern diets that are heavy on cooked and processed foods do not supply us with the proteolytic
enzymes we need for optimal health. If you think you may have low enzyme levels because of
stress, aging, illness, or injury, a supplement may help you.

New Sun Multi-Enzyme Formulas

New Sun offers high quality systemic enzyme supplements that were formulated by Master
Herbalist and Naturopathic Doctor, our founder, James Salvadori Jr. Our formulas containing
proteolytic enzymes, including Wonderzyme, Masterzyme, and Ultra Enzyme, are targeted to the
specific needs of different types of individuals.

If you have any questions about proteolytic enzymes or which systemic enzyme supplement
might be beneficial for you, please call us at 1-800-544-0777. We want to help you achieve
wellness with the highest quality natural health products for the lowest possible prices.

Please note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is
for educational purposes only. New Sun, Inc. in no way dispenses medical advice, prescribes
remedies, or assumes responsibility for those who choose to treat themselves. Consult a
healthcare professional before using these or any product during pregnancy or if you have a
serious medical condition.

What Are Digestive Enzymes?

Digestive enzymes are proteins that help us break down and metabolize the foods we eat. The
salivary glands, stomach, intestines, and pancreas naturally produce enzymes that help us digest
different types of food molecules. Raw foods also contain enzymes necessary for proper
digestion. These enzymes work in the digestive system to break down vegetables, dairy products,
fruits, meats and the other foods we eat into nutrients.

Without an adequate supply of enzymes, our digestive systems are not able to fully process or
absorb food. Taking digestive enzyme supplements in tablet or pill form immediately before
meals can help restore and boost levels of these vital amino acids and aid digestion.

Types of Enzymes that Aid in Digestion

Each type of digestive enzyme breaks down a specific compound found in food. Here is a brief
list of some common digestive enzymes and what they do:

 Lipase: digests fats
 Amylase: digests starches
 Protease: digests proteins
 Lactase: digests milk sugars (lactose)
 Invertase: digests sugar (sucrose)
 Cellulase: digests fiber (cellulose) found in fruits, grains, and vegetables

Why Would I Need a Digestive Enzyme Supplement?

Anyone who wishes to ensure they are getting the most nutrition out of the foods they eat may
want to consider adding a digestive enzyme supplement to their diet. Digestive problems such as
bloating, gas, occasional acid reflux, and heartburn may indicate an insufficient supply of

Stress, disease, chronic illness, and poor diet can lead to low levels of enzyme production. Also,
as we age our bodies naturally produce less of the digestive enzymes we need for complete

It is true that you also get enzymes directly from eating raw foods, though most of us do not eat
enough raw foods to replenish the supply we need in our digestive systems. The cooking process
destroys enzymes, as do other modern food processing methods such as pasteurization and
canning. You may consider taking enzyme pills for digestion if your diet lacks fresh, raw
vegetables and fruits.

Benefits of Digestive Enzyme Supplements

Digestive enzyme supplements support optimal functioning of the digestive system so you get
more complete nutrition. Getting more nourishment out of the foods you eat can help support
your overall health and wellness. Better digestion can help with gas, bloating, and other
symptoms of indigestion. Other possible benefits include:

 Help balance your pH level
 Support the body’s natural detoxification process
 Aid the immune system

Which Supplement is Right for Your Diet?

Every digestive system is different, and every diet is different. A person who eats a diet heavy in
meat may benefit from a digestive enzyme containing papain and other proteolytic (protein
digesting) enzymes, such as Wonderzyme. A person with a plant-based diet might benefit from a
supplement like Coolzyme or Masterzyme that contains cellulase and amylase to break down the
compounds in vegetables and starchy foods such as potatoes and fruits.

A supplement containing a mix of digestive enzymes and systemic enzymes can provide whole
body support.

Premium Digestive Enzyme Formulas From New Sun

At New Sun, we offer a variety of specially formulated digestive enzyme products. Each one is
made with a blend of highest quality natural enzymes. If you have any questions about our
digestive enzyme formulas or other natural health products or want to discuss which pill or
capsule might be right for you, please give us a call at 1-800-544-0777 or contact us online.

Please note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is
for educational purposes only. New Sun, Inc. in no way dispenses medical advice, prescribes
remedies, or assumes responsibility for those who choose to treat themselves. Consult a
healthcare professional before using these or any product during pregnancy or if you have a
serious medical condition.


What Are Enzymes?

Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts in your body. This means that enzymes speed up the
chemical reactions that make all of your metabolic and biochemical processes possible. Without
enzymes, those reactions would not happen fast enough to sustain life. Our bodies rely on
enzymes to help us digest the foods we eat, eliminate wastes, repair damaged tissues, and other
essential functions.

Enzyme Supplements

Our bodies naturally produce thousands of enzymes so you may ask why supplemental enzymes
might be necessary. Stress, illness, injury, and the aging process can rob our bodies of the ability
to produce enough of the enzymes we need. Raw foods contain enzymes that help our digestive
systems break down those foods, however the cooking process destroys those enzymes. Taking
enzyme supplements can replenish the supply of enzymes you need for optimal health and

Enzyme supplements can aid digestion, support your immune system, and help your body
recovery from injury or illness. Two of the main types of beneficial enzymes found in
supplements are systemic proteolytic enzymes and digestive enzymes.

Systemic and Proteolytic Enzymes for Whole Body Support

Proteolytic or protease enzymes are often called systemic enzymes because they work in systems
of the body outside the digestive system. These protein-digesting enzymes help rid the body of
impurities in the blood, joints, and tissues that cause inflammation, delay healing, and
compromise the immune system. A supplement containing systemic enzymes helps the body
eliminate damaged proteins throughout the body.

Some of the most common systemic and proteolytic enzymes found in supplements that support
whole body health include:

 Bromelain: A protein digesting enzyme sourced from pineapple

 Papain: A protease enzyme that comes from papaya fruit

 Trypsin: A proteolytic enzyme naturally produced by the pancreas
Some of the benefits of supplementing your diet with enzymes for protein digestion are:
supporting a healthy immune system, helping to control inflammation, assisting the body as it
recovers from illness or injury, and naturally cleansing the blood and tissues.
Digestive Enzymes For Bloating, Gas, and Stomach Problems
Digestive enzymes work in the digestive system to break food molecules down into nutrients and
to help change those nutrients into energy. Natural digestive enzyme supplements support whole
digestion and help your body get more out of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients you eat.
Digestive enzyme supplements can benefit those with digestion problems such as gas, bloating,
and heartburn. The most common digestive enzymes found in supplements include:

 Cellulase: A digestive enzyme that breaks down cellulose (vegetables and fruits)

 Lactase: A digestive enzyme that breaks down lactose (a sugar found in milk)

 Amylase: A digestive enzyme that breaks down (potatoes and cereal grains)

 Lipase: A digestive enzyme that breaks down fats (animal and vegetable fats)

New Sun Supplemental Multi-Enzyme Formulas

New Sun offers a variety of specially formulated multi enzyme supplements to support those
who are seeking better health and wellness. Our mission is to help people achieve a better way of
life naturally. If you have any questions about enzymes, or enzyme supplements please do not
hesitate to contact us. Our number is 1-800-544-0777.

Please note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is
for educational purposes only. New Sun, Inc. in no way dispenses medical advice, prescribes
remedies, or assumes responsibility for those who choose to treat themselves. Consult a
healthcare professional before using these or any product during pregnancy or if you have a
serious medical condition.