The Five Superpowers of Hyaluronic Acid

superheroIf you ever watched superhero cartoons as a kid, you know that caped crusaders often look like normal, everyday people, but underneath their mild-manner appearance lies the ability to perform amazing acts. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) might be called one of the superheroes of our bodies. This small but mighty substance does everything from keep wrinkles at bay to help prevent osteoporosis. Read on to learn more about the superpowers of HA!

Hyaluronic Acid: What is It?

Hyaluronic Acid isn’t what we normally think of when we hear the word “acid.” Instead of being harsh and stripping, it’s a clear, sticky sugar substance that occurs naturally in our skin to help lubricate our connective tissues.

HA is found in every type of tissue in our bodies, but its highest concentration is in the synovial fluid that lubricates our joints, skin, eyes, and heart valves.

The Superpowers of HA

Superpower #1: Able to hold one thousand times its weight in water!drop of water

HA is super strong and can hold way more water than its weight. But HA doesn’t just retain moisture — it also prevents water from evaporating. All of this water retention is a good thing — it keeps moisture in our skin so that it’s dewy and plump, which results in fewer wrinkles, a smoother skin surface, and reduced redness.

Superpower #2: Heals wounds faster than a speeding bullet!

Ok, maybe not that quickly, but HA has been shown to heal wounds faster when applied as a cream or dressing. When you get a cut or scrape, HA comes right to the rescue. First, it actually increases itself and acts as an antibacterial to help reduce the risk of infection. Then it takes on a commanding role, charging your body to build more blood vessels in the hurt area, which help it to heal more quickly.

Superpower #3: Lubricates your joints in a single bound!

Because one of the places of HA’s highest concentration is in the synovial fluid that lubricates our joints, it helps prevent our bones from grinding against one another and is especially helpful for people suffering from osteoarthritis.

Superpower #4: Powerfully relieves dry eye discomfort!

hazel eyeMaybe HA won’t give you X-ray vision, but it will treat dry eye and can even improve your eye health. HA is naturally found in the eyes, but you should also look for it as an ingredient in any eye drops you use. It’s also used by doctors during eye surgery because of its wound healing, inflammation-reducing powers.

Superpower #5: Increases bone strength!

While we won’t promise that HA will allow you to leap tall buildings in a single bound, studies have shown that HA supplements can increase the growth of osteoblasts, which are the cells that build new bone tissue. This increases bone strength and can decrease your risk for osteoporosis.


woman lifting weightsHow you can support HA

Even superheros need a helping hand sometimes. As we age, HA decreases, so it’s important to help stimulate it in our bodies as we grow older.

Eat fruits and veggies high in antioxidants, like blueberries, pecans, and artichokes, which will join forces with HA to protect your skin and joints from inflammation.

Take an HA supplement. Try our Hyaluronic Acid supplement, which contains M.S.M. (Methylsulfonylmethane), an anti-inflammatory that provides support for the integrity of our connective tissue. When teamed up together, HA and M.S.M. can give your joints the support they need to function smoothly and effectively as you age.

If you have more questions about HA or other ways you can help your body function at its best, call our customer care superheros. We are passionate about all-natural, quality supplements and other health care products, and its our mission to help you live a better way of life, naturally!